Here's the thing about me. I have a weirdo personality, I run into some pretty interesting situations, I make some pretty ridiculous mistakes. Luckily I have an amazing mom to get me through all of it. She accepts me for my corks, loves me despite my "issues," and listens daily to my meaningless blabs.
Sandy Belnap Falter is the mother of six incredible kids. (Yes, I just called myself incredible). In our family there is Kylee, Lauren, Brooklyn, Austin, Adam and Emmalee.
Each child has a different personality.
Each child has different struggles.
Each child has different needs.
And this ONE mom is able to love each personality, relate and help each struggle and meet each need.
Everyone says "My mom is the best," and we're all thinking bolgna, my mom I won't use the cliche.All I can say is my family was a match made in heaven. God couldn't have put together a more perfect fit. And I am grateful that He did... and that through Him we can be together forever.
This faithful woman who married an amazing man, has been devoted to her family and gospel of Jesus Christ her whole life. She has taught each of her kids the love of Christ, to have faith in Christ and find joy in Christ. She has never given up, and has never lost faith.
Her life has not been easy. Her challenges with each child have not been small. Some days it's been hard for her to smile. There are nights she's cried for us. She has dedicated her whole life for us. I cannot emphasize enough how amazing she is.
If I could take back all the arguments about dishes, all the disappointments I have caused, those nights that kept her up worried, then I would. But it's because she still loves me no matter what I've done, that makes her such an AMAZING mother!
My mother has been an example, support, strength, teacher and cheerleader for me my whole life. She has served me endlessly, loved me unconditionally and supported me through and through. There is no way I could be half the person I am without her incredible influence. And one day I hope to be half of the woman that she is.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mother's out there.
Whether your kids tell you or not,
you are their biggest influence,
you are their biggest hero,
you are amazing.
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