Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Today I was talking with my sister about a possible cutie in the room. We were just scoping out the Sunday dressed young men and this guy opened his mouth only to say something that was completely awkward, I leaned over and told her, "Looks aren't everything..." 

The same goes for when you see a really awkward looking guy and he's one of the funniest people you could've ever met. You really can't tell anything by looking at a person by just looking at them.

Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Let me tell you a story about one of the most amazing boys on this earth.  People reject him and mock him day after day, but he loves and accepts everybody.   

Growing up I had an uncle who is about five years older than me. He was born with Down syndrome and was very unhealthy. He has been in and out of the hospital his whole life, connected to oxygen and breathing masks week after week, but has a smile on day after day. He cannot talk very well, and at age twenty he learned how to write his letters by copying them on his own. It is a miracle that he is still alive. At a very young age, I realized he was different. He is not weird, or scary like he appeared to the people we would pass, he was absolutely amazing. He is different than me, my teachers, his teachers, his friends and the people who laugh and point- he is better. Whether people are laughing at him, throwing things at him, making him clean up their trash, he has a smile on his face and is willing to hug or share something with anyone in his path. Bryden, my uncle was expected a very short life, he is still alive today, and I guarantee he is not alive today just because of the surgeries and medicines. He is alive today because of the people in his life, the people who gave him hope; his parents, cousins, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, friends and teachers. He is alive because even though he is different, people saw him for who he really was and gave him a chance.

Bryden has touched the hearts of everyone he knows. He has made a difference and has taught us to not use our eyes that do no look on the outside, but our hearts to see the inside of every person. 

Knowing Bryden has taught me not to judge for two reasons:
1. His example of caring about everyone and not ever denying anyone his love based on their appearance.
2. Everyone who has judged and not gotten the opportunity to meet this amazing boy has missed out entirely.

When we see a cute boy, we can't expect him to be everything. When we see someone who's height isn't ideal or weight, or skin... we shouldn't think they are any less of a person. Being around guys I always feel so insecure, it's all about the body, the weight, the hair... when it's what's on the inside that really matters. Until people realize that, they won't be entirely happy. 

1 Samuel 16:7: "...Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

And in Utah I hear this one a lot. Oh they aren't mormon, or they aren't active. They've done this and that... they're not people I want to be around. Oh and how do YOU suggest they get support and help?? Their friends should just ditch when they make a mistake?? No. People make mistakes, people live their lives how they want. We don't need to change that, we just need to be loving and accepting no matter WHAT. Because we are no better than anyone else... we can only become better than the person we were yesterday.

"Who am I to judge another, when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden, sorrow that they eye can't see, Who am I to judge another, Lord, I would follow thee"

When we judge people on what they've done, we're just worse off. We don't know what anyone faces on the inside, we can't understand anyone else's life, but our own. All we can do is be a strength and a comfort and follow our Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:7: "Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s."

We are all Sons and Daughters of our Savior. Love everyone and don't judge.

"Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart"
-Mindy Gledhill Listen there: All About Your Heart


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. It is very inspirational and I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks that you can not judge a book by its cover. People on the inside are important. What is on the outside can be completely misleading. Again thank you for posting this.

  2. Very insightful and true :) This blog is amazing.
