

Be A Learner

I tried day one of the semester.
And then I decided it's time to change a few more things.

I have been able to accomplish so much in this last week,
regarding changes in routine and lifestyle.
Eating, reading, praying, exercise, motivation...
The new year is full of positive energy.
That just makes me happy to be alive!!!

The second round of changes started on my half birthday.
And was inspired by my physical science depth class.
Who would've thought??

This semester... I'm working a lot.
And I absolutely love BOTH of my jobs, so much.
But I'm losing sight of that attitude
as it's bombarded with worrying about everything else.

Monday was stressful. 
Class. Work for hours. Class again. Other job.
That sounds awesome, not too bad... done by five? right.
Well it's the unplanned that causes issues.
I waited for the bus for 20 minutes. 
And was late for work number two.
After, I locked my keys in the car at Best Buy.
And then couldn't even have the pizza at FHE.
Dang me, eating right sometimes...

I was pretty bummed about my day.
I had several happy parts. 
The morning was GREAT.
But I just felt weird about the whole semester,
based on day one.
And that's a stupid attitude.

Tuesday... I woke up happy.
I went to work. Class Class. Work.
And I put that smile on my face.
I forced the energy to never leave.
I didn't care that I was cleaning the kitchen
most of the time I was at work.
I am thankful to have a job.
I am thankful to be around kids.

And my classes on Tuesday are gonna be a lot harder than Mondays. My classes are gonna be longer and harder to get an A. But that smile was there. 

And now I have a new goal.
I want to be a learner, not a student.

I read this in an article:

 "College is not about learning how to do specific things; 
college is about becoming a certain kind of person."

Student vs. learner

Waits to be directed vs. Seeks out opportunities
Wants to listen and follow vs. Wants to explore and challenge
Learns for the test vs. Learns for understanding
Externally motivated vs. Internally motivated
Avoids challenging situations vs. Seeks challenging situations
Sees learning as an obligation vs. Sees learning as a opportunity
Learns to do vs. Learns to learn

I want to go to class, to learn.
Not just to get an A.
It's not about the letter grade anymore.
It's not about doing the absolute minimum
and then tuning out.
I'll do all that I need to do and then
I will really listen, I will learn.

I'm in a couple of my major classes now 
about family development and child development.
That's what I love! 
That's the most important things to know.

And I'm not here at USU to write tests,
I'm here to be shaped into the person I will grow up into.
I'm here to be educated to raise a family and have a career.
To learn how to communicate with people and efficiently live my life.
I'm here to challenge my mind and discover every part of life.

Who cares if I don't like to talk about Science, Technology & Modern Society.
I'm gonna learn it.

I have been given this opportunity to not just get a degree,
but to learn.
And it's gonna be an adjustment for me to really care about some of these subjects,
but I am ready to try.

Just remember the eternal perspective.
And then there's no reason to ever stay gloomy.

I am thankful God answers my prayers.
That He guided me to this school in Logan, Utah.
That He guided me to my major and to find my passion in life.
I love Him and the happiness His eternal plan brings to my life.

By the way. I love the people in my life right now.
I don't want to ever leave them.
Amazing amazing amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog :) Thank you for your thoughts and testimony, Lauren :)
