

Rocketman Thinking

When all you have is an empty room and time... It's makes your mind go crazy. All I've been doing since I woke up is thinking. It's incredible. It's really sad when you stop having time to really think. 

Now I have time. As I listen to the sounds in the house; the water is draining, footsteps upstairs... Is that bird?

I don't even know. 
I feel like Rocketman when they all go sleep and his tank didn't close. Im not about to use their food to paint a mural though.

In this reflecting time I have come to realize what I realize everyday life is beautiful and I'm happy to be a part of it. 

Sometimes I'm going going going so much that I don't take the time to pause and think about the big picture. Am I really headed where I want to be? And right now I absolutely am. I love my jobs so much. I'm in a major that'll put me right where I wanna be. I'm dating a guy who never fails to make me happy. My best friend leaves sticky notes on my mirror. My family, I just love.... everyone of them- all over the world. 

I can't forget my sweet Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. They answer my prayers and with faith in His plan, as I try every day to create mine... I have no fear. It'll all happen the way it's supposed to if I love what comes my way and act on promptings of the Spirit. 

I am happy because I know the truth. I am happy because I have a Savior who loves me, who died for me and knows every struggle. I tend to have a lot of those and He knows every feeling. I am happy because I have scriptures and prophets in the latter-day to direct my life. I am happy because I am imperfect, but my sins can be forgiven. And we are all blessed with Christ's atonement. I am happy because I will live with my family forever. I am happy because I am breathing, I'm laughing, I'm smiling, I'm feeling, I'm loving... I am living. 

I'm happy because no matter the trial, there's light at the end of the tunnel. And any minute I'm down, I'm losing 60 seconds of happiness in this short life. 

I love life. 

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