

Head first, fearless

I talk too much.
I think too much.
I get myself in situations, where my stomach is in knots and the correct decision isn't clear.

And I can't get out of it right then.
Time could tell.
Trying could tell.
The guess and check method?
Sometimes you just have to jump in...
Head first, Fearless.

All you can do is fall to your knees
and pray for a peace of mind while you're falling.
Close my door and let it out.

I am not all knowing. 
But He is.
And it is His will that shall be done.
I pray for that guide.
I pray for His strength & comfort.
And with faith, I take the scary step forward.

I can't plan for everything.
That's a struggle I face.

Take chances.
Make changes. 
Embrace changes.

Have faith.
And all the confusion, chaos and adjustments will be worth it.


1 comment:

  1. I like your post! :) I have been there, and will likely be there again a lot of times! You know... sometimes it is just fun to listen to your awesome voice and overanalyze! I really like your conclusions! Trusting in God. A friend of mine said that was her resolution for the new year, to Trust in God and not try to be in such control. I heard once on KLOVE something like... worrying means that you don't completely trust in God that somehow, someway it'll workout for the best. Interesting thoughts... Have a great day! And pretend I didn't write this at ~3am my time... I still have stuff I need to improve on!
