

Pinning Down My Life

There were the myspace days. With the drama over top 8 and the surveys and the what type of kisser your are posted on the profiles. There's twitter, which I mainly feel like I complain on. Because you have the opportunity to be really sarcastic. And a lot of people don't see it. There's blogging, where I just vent my heart out. There's facebook, you got your grandma on there, bosses, your great-uncle... it's awesome. Google+ with its attempts to become popular, it'll get there. Skype, video calling, youtube....There's just so much.

A lot of it is idle time being filled with picture stalking, or maybe some good conversations. I definitely waste a lot of time.  I can't say it all goes to great conversations with long-lost friends.

Then, there is Pinterest.

It's amazing. Pinning and re-pinning my future plans, dreams, rules, quotes... pinning fashion, food, crafts, jokes... You name it, I've pinned it.

And a lot of it is actually beneficial. They found a visual way for our happy little fuure-oriented thought-processes to go on and make a dream board of everything we want to try.

I am inspired to have better fashion, try new hair styles, have such a cute home, do my own crafts and make delicious meals. I'm starting the wedding planning that's forever down the road because it's fun. I'm not focusing on the celebs or the gossip I see in the other social media worlds, I'm focusing on my future... and my dreams. 

Yeah, I'm stretching it a little okay... But a lot of good is coming out of Pinterest.

And I spent some time on the quotes today.

Here are my blog thoughts on each:

We have the power to see beauty in every ugly situation. We can see beauty in every ugly day. We can see beauty in ourselves, even if we feel ugly. Beauty is there. We just need to find it. And if we do, life will be happier.
Judgements. Don't make them. I have fallen into this trap way too many times in my life. And I know I will again. We have no idea what a person is going through, we do not need to judge them... we need to love them no matter what. Even if we never find out their baggage, we need to understand that they have it. 

Tough times are so hard... but the little things are not the end of the world. :) 
Don't sweat the small stuff Lauren.
Find the BEAUTY.

I think by now, we all know I'm a little different.
I've been called "something special," "weird" and "one of a kind" recently.
I don't care. I take that as a compliment.
I know I'm strange.
And I love that.
I want to be me.
I don't want someone else to be me.
But I want to be a better me than I was yesterday.
And tomorrow a better me than I was today.

I need to live by this.
I am happy.
I need to show it.
In every way.


Blog followers, I love my life.
And I love that you read this.
I am such a roller coaster of emotions that hit the page...
and as soon as I get it all out...
I can see how blessed I am every time.
I have the most amazing life
and because I have been given all this,
I need to give more.

That is what my focus has been on.
That is why I'm going to Thailand this summer.
It's not about me.
It's not to show you my vacation.
I want to spend my time, money, patience and love on people who need it.

This life it's not about me.
I am starting to realize that.

Thank you Pinterest for giving me ideas of how to spread the love and serve others. Mainly, Pinterest just helps me see a lot of positives... and exposes me to very few negatives. The world needs more optimistic exposure... SMILE EVERYONE!!!!

"When you lose yourself in the service of others, you find yourself"

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