I'm having the hardest time these days, with seeing my disappointments, problems and stresses as all these bad things happening to me... and not little blessings in disguise. When something that isn't going with my groove is happening to me... I shouldn't even call it a trial... it's hard maybe, or stressful, but it is a growth.
If God brings you to it, He will bring your through it.
You were given this life, because you are STRONG enough to live it.
If I turn and face my trials head on, if I treat them as the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread, then I will get so much more out of them.
I've had food issues in this home.
I've had noise complaints.
I've just somedays felt some serious tension going on under this roof.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
We all come from different backgrounds. We all carry different baggage. And no matter how well we might know someone, we cannot begin to understand why they do things certain ways and why they feel the way we do. There is one person who does know. And that is Jesus Christ. He is the middle man between all of us, who knows exactly how we feel. He knows I feel when I'm stressed and how someone else would feel depressed, he knows some people struggle over events and some people have a chemical inside them that tries to fight happiness for them. We may not understand them, but He does and whether it be for you, me or her... He's just a prayer away.
Satan is real. And Jesus Christ is real.
Jesus will help us, Satan will destroy us.
When something isn't going our way, is adding to the problem, feeding the flame, and not even trying to look into someone else's life, from their perspective going to solve anything?
The more I think about others and where they are coming from and the baggage they carry. The more I understand and accept them.
Consequently, the sooner I judge them, the less happy I am.
Sometimes I'm just so wrong with EVERYTHING I'm doing.
I'm so sorry.
I have been so unhappy and contentious recently about silly little things. That needs to change. Now. By not sweating the small stuff and think a whole lot less about myself and a whole lot more about others.
How can I be a better friend?
Spread a litte love.
Everyday might not be good,
but there IS good in EVERYday.
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