
Every night last semester I was looking for what was going on, every night of the summer I wanted to be somewhere. Every single day I had to fill my day with a social activity. Well now I have 7:30 AM class or work every single morning and either work or class all day until four everyday, with very short breaks-- if there are any. And then after that I have OSRT meetings, I have night institute, I have team meetings and then I have homework.

Sometimes I come home at seven or so and don't have much homework, but I also don't have a desire to drive myself anywhere to see anyone. I think I've finally found a little bit more of a balance. 

It helps that all I have to do is be home to be social because I live with my best friends.
And I like all my classes.
And I like to be productive and organized.

It took me a year, but I realized I'm here to learn, not just get good grades in classes. :)
I'm loving this semester.

ASSERT: I love this job so much. I seriously love kids with autism and working with them everyday just makes me appreciate kids, life and the people who take the time to understand and work through the challenges of each individual. It's amazing that starting as a freshmen I could have one-on-one experience working with an autistic child and that I could jump right into what I want to be doing the rest of my life.

SECOND JOB!!! First of all, it's amazing that I got it and second, I love it. I work with a bunch of married girls. Really, the first thing they asked me was, are you married? I guess every single one of them started married, or get married really soon after starting this job. They said that I'm next... yessss.....  

Today when I was holding one of the three year old boys. He started laughing hysterically.
Me: What?
Him: ... I just farted on you HAHAHAHAHA.

Wow, love kids! Hahaha.

Sometimes thinks happen unexpectedly, different from how you thought, out of your control and beyond what you could've planned. Sometimes all you can do is smile about it. 

Oh yeah, by now the neighbors all know I'm weird.
1. I screamed "I hate boys" out the window (as a joke of course). And my neighbor heard it from two blocks away.
2. Most think my snake is creepy...
3. I was singing opera about how I didn't want to get groceries, in my sub concious... eye contact...
4. My favorite spot is halfway in the window and halfway out on the front porch

5. I make up songs on my guitar and sound completely tone def as I belt it out.

So that's just awesome. And there's not sarcasm when I say that... I'm glad I can just jump right into my new place, without holding back and completely being myself. I've come a long way from years past. I'm not ashamed of the person I am. The person that some people might ask if I "hit my head as a baby." That' s just who I am.

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