I'm beyond happy. #winning #lovinglife #floatingonclouds
Each night recently, as I lay in my bed, listening to the individual chirps of each grasshopper, making such a beautifully harmonized sound with the rest of nature, the chirps and whistling of the wind moving trees... the sounds of night are just enchanting.
Is it my sound or is it the attitude about them? Is it my attitude about them, or is it that good things in my life just keep happening? I want this attitude no matter WHAT is happening in my life...
Last year as I lay in my bed, I didn't hear nature... because my window didn't open. Regardless, I had a lonely, pity-toward-myself attitude and I moped about what life was doing to me. Little did I know, life was blessing me... my "trials" were blessings and while I cried about it, I didn't even notice the little miracles of life's changes working on me. I needed boys in my life, to use me, I needed people in my life, to be happy, and several nights I didn't even kneel to say my prayers. I kept the faith, but it was weak. I wasn't recognizing my hardships as the blessings that they were. But from these mistakes, I have learned to look ahead with open eyes. There will be sad times, and difficult times, but it is all a blessing in disguise. A blessing that I will recognize one day and appreciate.
I'm a little uneasy right now, everything that I have going for me seems to be working out... and since this doesn't usually happen I feel a trial coming on... It's like walking on egg shells. I will welcome any trial, because I know that I will grow stronger and that it will lead me to the next best thing.
In the early wee hours of the morning that I have to face everyday this semester, I put in my first generation iPod shuffle (don't hate) and I bump my jams to class... I'll shuffle it, I'll skip through some and then I'll start pacing with a bounce to the beat of a song I just want to dance on the street to (if it wasn't socially AWKWARD, then I would). This is the one that's been hitting me lately, Elevator by David Archeleta.
"Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high"
I felt butterflies this weekend. Let me tell you how many times that happened in the last six months....... or more.... ZERO. Let me tell you how many times my Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights were ALL incredible times! My elevator took me up last week, nothing tore me down. I want to stay at this high.
I can't say it's anything I did, but everything I have is from my Savior. He really is answering my prayers, He really is helping me make the decision I need in my life to be happy. And I owe my happiness to Him.
And hey it might not work out next week. People come and go, life changes. But if it doesn't, there was something to be learned and more amazing time to life through. The new Mindy Gledhill song sings it,
"People come and people go
About a dime a dozen, row by row
They're here today and gone tomorrow
And I don't want just anybody,
I want someone who's gonna love me
For the person that apparently I am"
-Mindy Gledhill
My friends love me for who I am. People will come and go, but they love me and I love them. True friends, true people I need, those are the ones that will love me.
Now for the specifics:
Major change:
Once again, I'm changing emphasises. I think I'm just going to do Special Education with an emphasis on Early Childhood education because that's where I want to use my degree, with preschoolers. And if If fail the writing test again (I know I can write-- that's what's frustrating, is that I'm not hitting the criteria on the rubric right or something, last time I was trying to be creative and lost the point, this time I just pray that I nailed it)... anyway, if I fail it again, I might need to rethink the plan for my whole life, sure am gonna do a lot of praying when it gets to that point and trust that my Heavenly Father knows what I need to be doing instead. We'll cross that road when we get there though...
Best Buddies:
Today I passed my interview to become a part of best buddies. This means I get a special needs buddy, and I will call this person at least once a week, and hang out with them twice a month. They asked me if I wanted a low maintenance buddy, or someone who is going to call me ten times a day... I said, that's cute... if I can make them happy by answering their phone call ten times a day, then I will do it! And now I'm excited!!! I found out the end of this month who my buddy is and it'll be so much fun!!
I might be going to teach kids english in Thailand for three months this summer, unless my life drastically changes, this is the plan. We are still looking at programs and places, but by the end of this week I should know where I'll be volunteering for at least six weeks this summer. I can't wait.
"When you do service for others, you find yourself"
Best Weekend Ever:
This is my good friend T-Flitt, had to take him away from the ladies for a minute to get our traditional Sig-Ep party picture. Pool party... most legit thing Sip Ep has ever done. 1000+ and it wasn't even too hot, or stinky... haha. Good job boys!!!
Making Saturday morning chores fun with Liz, rollerblading to the office and then around the house.
Phorist is the best, he invited us to the greatest event!!!! Mud volleyball!!! LOVED IT!
Uh, best friends, second row, blue, white, screaming... it's time for some Aggie sports again! We DESTROYED and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Weekend date... in our pretty great Togas. Ten minute stinky toga party was not so great, but the date... definitely great. One of the funniest guys I know.
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