The next day we woke up and got a phone call from someone wanting to go to the Hyrum parade. PJ knew who it was. I thought it was the Paces. Then, Barbi invited us to the Hyrum parade... and I said we were going with the Paces. So then we were just gonna maybe see them there. Holy ned, I almost blew our chances. We were all actually going together, I was just out of the loop. Worked out great after I stopped being a major blonde. And we had fun with the Mechams and Belnaps for the rest of the day. Late in the afternoon on thursday Barbi through this and that together to make 4th of July rock. Thanks Barbi and Justin for opening up your home and making it a great day!
Girl Cousins!
All the girls..
Adult ladies. :) Blue, While & Red going on here.
My Ava girl and the puppy.
K, is he not the CUTEST in his fourth bandana!?
The boys.
Ava got her feeling hurt when the puppy walked on her donut wrapper.
We hear, "Sorry, Ava..." from Owen (who was walking the dog)
and then see this sad little face.
After doing that for a long time... it was too much to think about.

I love these two people so much.
Rex, Justin's brother's wife's uncle got us AWESOME seats for the parade.
We had a great time watching the parade and catching candy.
Which gave us Pizza Pie coupons, which brought us to our next stop.
We were doing good and luckin' out. So blessed.

And my cute little family.
After the World Cup game ended, we played outside.
I plotted with the master schemer.
They compared tans.
Ava was just being cute.
Duke found garbage to play with.
Notice how Syd has the hose.
She was the only one on the tramp not wet.
So Tracy took the house and got her good.
Then Syd attacked me, cuz the master schemer went inside.
At this point, I was completely soaked (curled hair and all).
Not that I minded, cuz the goal of being in a swim suit and playing in the water
was not to keep my hair done.
But, then Syd kept going and going.
Finally, she tripped on the hose.
I grabbed the hose.
And lets just say, I ended what Tracy started.
It was a blast playing with cousins in the 93 degree plus weather.
We had some yummy BBQ and then smores around the new fire pit.
Then we watched some fireworks. :)
He didn't bark or cry, but he did get as close and as high on me as he could.
Dumb and Dumber lit it off for us.
We tried to see what he'd do a little closer...
We spent the day the best way we could've, with family, who have also become some of our best friends. We are grateful for this country and our freedom. For the awesome party we get to give America every year with fireworks, smores, BBQs, parades and water fights!
Also, can I just say, I miss my family back home every 4th of July.
I miss my grandma running from the fireworks thinking they're going to fall on her.
Or yelling at my dad to not catch on fire... again.
I miss most of all my crazy dad and his firework extravaganza.
I miss going to the indian reservation and shopping for fireworks.
Then watching this BEST show all around.
Love my family, we will make it back one of these years.
Love you all! Happy Independence Day!
Proud to be an American.
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