On Tuesday it will be 2 years from our first date.
I wouldn't trade the last two year for the world.
He is amazing, my best friend.
My favorite is when we find some stupid thing to giggle about.
It is love. And it is war.
It's never boring when you're constantly having to
watch your back for the next prank.
Breakfast in bed. Notes on my allergy pills.
It's the little things.
So happy to have him in my life forever & always.
Changing my blog to private.
I just feel like it.
Things I write are personal.
Sometimes its updates.
Sometimes its thoughts I haven't even said aloud before.
It is time.
I still want people to be able to read it.
Especially those who can connect with some of my thoughts.
but I don't think the whole world needs access for that to happen.
Plus I have some weird old posts on here from my 18 year old brain.
Tomorrow is M Day.
M is for moving.
Moving to a place in our same ward. YAY!
Smaller, more expensive, but we get to keep our little fluff ball...
who is chewing on the computer cord as I write this.
Little turd.
Speaking of turds, the clogged butt hole healed nicely.
(read previous post for understanding).
Moving has given me a great opportunity to de-junk & reorganize.
We are going to have to be a little creative with storage in the next house
because we got used to living the luxury life in this giant mortuary apartment.
ALSO, I got the kindergarten & pre-k position at my day care.
I am so excited to do more teaching.
I have been lesson planning and creating games and ideas all week.
This opportunity will prepare me for the preschool I plan to start in a few years.
I don't know who all teaches early childhood out there.
But I am so obsessed with the learning through play teaching style.
Seriously, it makes sense. It shows results. It's fun.
Children are learning such valuable skills.
That doesn't just mean send them out on the playground, or let loose in the playground.
The play is still organized and designed to teach.
That's what I love about what I do, getting creative and finding new ways to teach learning objectives.
I had the best professors and I just love child development.
When I have time I'll blog more about the myths and misconceptions about preschool.
Some preschools are different, but this is my philosophy and opinion.
Preschool is NOT important because you sit down and teach them letters or numbers.
That can be done at home, yes.
Preschool is important because it teaches social interactions, hands-on exploration, learning through play, peer interactions, routine, school schedules, manners, culture and group learning with teachers who have studied that specific age and have learned their needs.
Preschool is awesome. Yes, you can sit down with your kid and practice colors and things everyday, but you can't give them all that preschool can. I love preschool. Such a fun age to teach and explore with.
I totally agree with your philosophy on preschool! I think they learn best with the learn through play style! The cool thing now is that there are sooo many fun ideas out there! When I got my degree, it was really hard to come up with new ideas & you had to save everything to maybe someday make copies of.. You will be an awesome preschool teacher!