Mean It Truly

Do you know what I love? 

Guys who open my car door.
Guys who ask me out on dates.
Guys who bring me roses.
Guys who tell me I'm beautiful.
Guys who pick me up on the fifth floor & walk me back up after.
Guys who listen to me.
Guys who cook for me.
Guys who are honest with me.
Guys I can have fun with.
Guys who take the time to get to know me.
Guys who would "probably catch a grenade for me."

And you can pick and chose which guy you want to be on that list, but there is one criteria that makes all of them valid... You are that guy because that's the guy you are... not because you might get a girlfriend out of it... or you might get a mack sesh. I love legitimate guys: best friends, friends, acquaintances, boyfriends.... who can do one or all of those things, expecting nothing and meaning it. 

"Mean it truly, sincere heart."

There are some guys who say "Lauren you know I'd do anything for you..." next thing you know they steal your shoes and won't give them back. The true meaning to their words, "Lauren you know I'd do anything for you as long as we're dating or you're doing me favors." Friends with benefits? Not in my book. If they are your friend, that is the benefit. I am not friends with someone because of the benefits, and true friends are the same in return.

I'm no perfect friend in anyway and in fact a terrible friend to many-- I'm sure. But I do know some amazingly true friends and genuine people and they are examples to me. 

In college I feel so much pressure from guys. Like, if they take the time out of there day to do something for me... I feel like I owe them a kiss or something. I surely dont give them one, but the pressure is there. I can't tell if it's a freshmen thing... or the single life is just a tough life to live, but I do know that if they can't do something for me without expecting the favor or something back, then they don't deserve the kiss... 

I'm just off on a tangent now, I could go all day about pressures for boys, misleading behaviors... mean mean mean people. I've been through SO much on this subject just since the beginning of my freshmen year. Just in 2011 even. Goodness.

The really great news is, the good ones are out there. The first flowers of my college single life were given to me Friday February 26th, 2011. The guy who gave this beautiful rose to me is named Chauncy Harrison, and he is everything on that list up top... plus one of my best friends.


Olive Garden.
Snowy Parking Lot Donuts.
I Am Number Four.
You laugh, you cry, you scream. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!
And then he made me a cheesecake.

He's the best dater ever. And I'm pretty sure one of the only ones this whole semester who has called me up and asked me out. I think he's the only one man enough to ask me on one. And that is definitely okay cuz he does a dang good job at it and I love every second of the time I spend with him.

Here's to the people who are genuine.
Here's to the people who take time out of their day to make other people's.
Here's to the people who are selfless.
Here's to the people who give us the reason to wake up in the morning.

I appreciate all the guys and just friends in general who do all this for me. You keep my heart happy.

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute!!! and oh my gosh girl, you are so blessed! he's adorable!! i feel like i JUST read your post about love and now i read this one! so cute :)
