

Vegas Tonight

When I started dating PJ... We hit some painted golf balls off the mountain... and the rest is history.

I saw a photo flash across the screen saver today.
It reminded me of the our summer love.

Words cannot express the warm emotions stirring in my heart as I reflect on that summer.

 butterflies & more

The first day we were officially"boyfriend/girlfriend" we went to the DI (like goodwill) in St. George. Vic and PJ were off looking for shoes and boring things. Well me with my shopping ADD...went and tried on a wedding dress (one of my favorite things to do at the DI). I sent PJ a blurry pic from my phone and said, "let's go to Vegas tonight ;)"

This could've gone two ways. 
1. He thinks I'm crazy
2. He understands my humor.

You can guess which way it went.
My heart is flooding with love tonight.
Sure, there were big adventures that summer.
But I remember the little things.
The pages in the Book of Mormon that we read together.
The first time he told me he loved me.
The time I dyed his eyebrows black, or got a fat lip from his elbow.
The time we whispered in the dark overlooking the valley.... right next to a dead Bambi.
Tandem bike rides, awful water adventures & rides on Tom & Jerry.
My husband is my very best friend.

Think about what you love. Think about who you love. 
Focus on that feeling in your heart. Now take a deep breath and let it sink in.
The gift of love is a blessing in my life.

Remember, you are loved. 
Love is not just felt by husbands, wives, daughters, sisters, moms and dads.
That feeling in your heart, is felt by someone for you.
Our Savior loves us.

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