


Between the spit-up, diaper changes, puke, drool, spit, slobber, scratches, sneezes, laughs, cries, potty trips, drool, made up words, crawling under tables, hiding under blankets, animal noises... some people think that I would get sick of kids.

I have sneezes, snot and drool coming out of my ears and nose. Literally. But it's all worth it.

Like Olaf says, some people are worth melting for.

All the crazy parts of my days surrounded by kids, could never be traded for the simple moments that make it all worth it.

The simple moments of re-reading the same book four times, crawling under the table to hide, being a sick patient for a two-year-old doctor to stab you with plastic shots, finding the missing puzzle piece, holding a hurt child...

Helping a child go poop on the potty for the first time. 

These hand in hand moments make a difference in their lives.

Today I had a child on my lap. I was reading him a story. Halfway through he pulled my head down and kissed me under the chin. He then snuggled right back in to finish the story.

I love children.


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