

I Do

I love you, you love me…
Someday my prince will come…
Can you feel the love tonight?
I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss…
Just to see you smile, I'll do anything
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
If you like if then you should've put a ring on it
Author of the moment… do I end up, do I end up happy?
That's what makes you beautiful
You give me hope in spite of everything
Are you gonna kiss me or not
I don't want this night to end

...You get the point.

these are just the songs,
don't get me started on the movies,
the tv shows, the commercials,
the people watching, the church talks…
love is a theme that has been in everything
that surrounds me since I was in diapers.

All of my life, I have been lost in love.
A hopeless romantic...
Searching for it's meaning, 
Searching for it's recipient,
Searching for every happy love story that could inspire me.

I found love, and my recipient. 
& a few weeks ago I married him.
Now I get to spend forever with him.

Love is amazing. 
It is incredible.
It is happiness.
It is selflessness.
It is unconditional & irreplaceable.
To be in love is nothing you'd expect until it's real…
and then it's everything you wanted it to be.

It's not missing your crush when you're 16.
It's not texting all night… and sharing your secrets.
It's not the need to always have someone with you.

I learned that.

Love feels safe, secure… happy.

It's the little things.
It's the big things.
Help with the dishes.
A hug on a bad day.
Compliments towards your cooking.
Committing your life to each other.
Making sacred and everlasting covenants.
Mowing the lawn.
Starting a family.
Budgeting money.
Helping one another reach their dreams.

May 10, 2013 

I can describe the event.
But I can't describe how I felt.
The day felt flawless, perfect, unforgettable.
The moments could've lasted forever...
and that would be Heaven on earth.


I wrote a poem... a haiku.

A beautiful day,
Our fairytale beginning,
Forever, always


My Maid of Honor, Photographer and BEST FRIEND!
Couldn't have done this without her! 


I am grateful for the friends and family that joined with us to celebrate.
I am grateful to be surrounded by family and friends worthy to enter the Holy temple.

I am grateful to be sealed to my other half, not 'til death do us part... but forever & always.
I am grateful to know that there is life after this one, and I can spend it with my eternal family.
I am grateful for temples, sealers, their beauty & kindness.

I am grateful for those who laughed with us, danced with us, ate with us & cried with us.
I am grateful for those who drove states away and those who sacrificed a day off work.
I am grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ, the Atonement and this gospel.

Our wedding day was unforgettable.
My favorite memory.
One that I'll always look on to smile.

Dance with father & mother. 
Entertainment from my siblings & dad.





Wedding days come and go...
and life just keeps on going.
I am grateful I get to go to bed, 
and wake up with the man I love.

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