

We All Have A Story To Tell

Utah State University did a good thing last night, a really good thing. 

Normally, it's like Anberlin... and everyone's facebook status is like "I can't wait to see Amberlin tonight..." for real? You can't wait... looks like you don't really know who they are. Cuz it's not AMberlin is ANberlin. Maybe it's just me, but most people didn't even listen to Anberlin.

 or Red Jumpsuit has-beens in the street. Most of the people toward the front are high schoolers, you get pushed and shoved until your toes are bleeding and you're closterphobic. Sean Kingston was cool, til all he said was "put your hands up, put your hands up" and "you get to wear my gold chain if you know my birthday." 

The local bands who all suck except for the one with Doug Fiefia in it... and of course the band that I don't even remember coming... cuz they must've not made the biggest impact.

The point is, this was the best end of the year bash yet.

1. There were no high schoolers on the floor.

2. There were not an excessive amount of people on the floor so that you couldn't breathe.

3. The best turn out EVER.

(except for The Ready Set, but I just feel kinda sad for them...)

5. Cell phones in the crowd has evolved to the flashlight app. Beautiful.

He Is We came, people.
I discovered this band freshman year and ever since...
at least one of there songs has been on my blog each time I redo it.
I am in love with He Is We.
Never thought I'd see them play, but I did.
It was amazing!
Amazing to sing along to most of their songs...
and remember all the things that were happening in my life
during each particular song they song.

Parachute was pretty amazing!
I don't know a ton of their songs.
But they are talented.
Switching instruments in the middle of the song.
The main singer had a heck of a voice.
And the crowd was loving it.

I am so glad to be a part of this great school.
This was a great way to wrap up Spring 2013 semester.
And guess what, I am done. NO FINALS LEFT.

You have a lot of motivation when you're getting married.
You guys should try it, I turned in like 5 papers early.
I hope that motivation stays with me when I have a hot husband.

Here's to Spring 2013,
ASUSU bringing us an awesome concert,
getting married in less than two weeks,
and a happy life to be thankful for. 

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