

Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

Be your own kind of beautiful.

Be absolutely yourself. 
And be happy with who that is.
Say things that you think and do things that you want.

Follow your dreams, not someone else's.

Be happy for someone, because they're happy.
Don't be bitter at someone for being happy, because you are not.
I have seen this happen lately.
And mostly it's been in the four year olds at work...
but not always.
You can be happy that someone is having things work out.
Even if they aren't working out for you.

I am pretty set on the fact that I will do whatever I want, when I want.
That I don't get embarrassed.
And most of the time, that is true...
When it comes to just being crazy and okay with it.
(My roommates would be able to think of SEVERAL examples).

Well, there are other times, when someone is talking bad about someone...
When someone is saying something I don't think is right.
When someone is not being beautiful, and I do not stop it.
That is not beauty.

When I stop being ashamed to stand up and stand out... always.
That is when true beauty will show.

And having said that, I don't mean be a brat about it. 
That's even worse. 
A good example of what I'm talking about is Liz.
She's very supportive of what you say, but objective at the same time.
She'll see both sides.
And I love that about her.
I need someone to correct me, with love.
That's how my mom is.
Some people correct you just to seem better, that's not beauty.

Don't hide behind your insecurities.

Make up. I think I'm much prettier in it... because well, that's what it does.
It emphasizes the features that you love and just paints your face with colors.

And I love make up... I think it's so fun to do when I'm bored.
Here's the scary part of it.
In high school I didn't go one day without it.
But, I def won't say I did my hair every day in high school.

Weight. Teeth. Fingernails. Tan.
The world has altered our perception of beauty.

We don't need those things to be beautiful.
My natural beauty should be good enough for the people that I want to love me.
My friends, they love me just as much without make up.
The boy I love, sure as heck won't have me in make up everyday.

I've gone without it somedays and with it others... and it's freeing. 
I say that I need to cover my ugly sometimes...
But really, I've gotten to the point of confidence without gobs of black & glitter on my eyes.

Let me talk about one beautiful girl I know.
She doesn't wear make up... and she looks so gorgeous every day.

And it's not just because she doesn't wear make up.
It's because of WHO she is.

Be the best person you can be, that's beauty.

Sometimes I'm trying to be beautiful to the wrong audience.
I want to emulate the right kind of beauty. Inner beauty.
I want to be beautiful to children.

I want to be beautiful to my mother, to my friends, to strangers, to my Savior.


Little Side-Note On Hair:  

I love to do hair always.

Much rather do hair than a lot of things.
Look what I did to Kylee's before her date:

and Liz's a couple weeks ago:

and my kids hair at work:

If I didn't have an academic dream going, I'd drop out and go to beauty school.
And just wake up in the morning to do hair for all these gorgeous roomies I have.


  1. I just randomly stumbled upon your blog and I love your writing! You seem like such a great, talented girl. Keep smiling!

  2. Another Great Post!!! Keep them coming. I love you Lauren. I can't wait to see what is coming for you in the future. It is going to be amazing.
    Love, Grandma
