


Welp, the only time my dad calls me is when he thinks I'm in jail. 
I tried to go until a family member of mine called me... 
since I always call them.
And after three days I had to call. 
I've always been the disappointment child...
and I probably always will be. 
Oh sheesh.
One day everything will go how I want it too. 
And the next NOTHING will.
I'll go to get gas and pop the trunk of my car...

Sometimes I just want to turn off my phone, my computer, my job, my responsibilities and leave it all here. For just a day. Even when I leave it is stuck with me in my brain. Trials dangit, why do you have to make me stronger?? I guess I can't be strong without you. I guess without my mistakes I can't progress. I guess without my rejection, I can't learn to be accepting. There is opposition in all thing.

Some people think I'm an air head... oh no no...
 a lot is going on up there all the time.
And when I don't let some of it just spill out... 
it just floods my entire being.

Lauren Falter, it's time to be more of an adult though.
Time to grow up.
If no ones going to love me for who I am.
I gotta change her.
And be able to love myself too.

I just want my twin back by my side. 
Just for a day like the old days.

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