

Concerning... me.

Concerning truth. What I think about these days... is optimism. And how I'm not being it enough as I should be. I want to see my life in color even when it seems dull.

“We must be more concerned with what we do with what happens to us than what happens to us” Marvin J. Ashton

Concerning gentleman. This section shouldn't exist since I hardly know any... I changed my ways since my last encounters months ago. And I didn't change them enough cuz though I'm not wasting precious kisses, I'm wasting precious time on lucky winners who don't realize they won??? Just kiddin' BUT enough is enough... if I can't find what I want, then my girls and friends are def enough to get by. Completely content there. I'm crossing my fingers that soon I'll find a guy to make me happy for more than a few days. :)

Concerning my snake. I have a pet snake. Some people think it's just a gross creature... scary maybe... creepy? Well I love my little girl and think she has her own little personality. And based on that personality I named her.... She likes to escape, so she shall now be known as...

Concerning goals. Be aware of everyone around me, not just my closest friends... I used to be good at that when my mom was there to remind me. But I now know what it feels like to be alone... and how good it feels to be noticed and appreciated. 

Be the best friend I can be, to everyone.

Concerning life in general. It's amazing. I love love love it. 

Harry Potter, FTW. Snape goes good... whaaaa? Amazing 
(besides the smells we experienced).

Walking around Main Street with the most happy guys I know... fab.
Hot tubbing. 

Road tripping with Trav to Orem to see my "boyfriend" slash AMAZING friend Brent give his farewell talk.

BEST FHE of my life on this Monday. Super water slide... so much fun! And can I just say we have some true gems in our ward. Thomas, Dustin, Kevin, James... I look up to all the guys in the ward so much. They really are making their parents, bishops, friends and Heavenly Father proud... plus they are way fun!

Our good friend J-Russ's birthday.

And the cheesecake I made him... the strawberries pooped on it... NOT my fault.

Concerning family. My whole family was at the beach without me this week. :( I was the only grandchild not there. Ohhh work, we have such a love/hate relationship when it comes to missing stuff like this. But regardless, I love my family still... I still talk to them (when I call... cuz they're at the beach, so why would they call me??). Kylee and Luke superb. Just took the cutest beach pictures of her life. Brooklyn and Austin get to come see me this week :) Adam is just my favorite cuddler in the world. And princess Emmalee is just the sweetest. My parents are exceptional... my grandparents have to be the cutest I know. Both sides. My cousins... everyone. I just love the Falter side, wish I could've been there with ya'll this week.

My sisters will always be my best friends. <3

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