No Summer Lovin'

I'm perfectly content with being single and all. I'm happy with the friends that I have, with the amount of busy I am and definitely more confident in who I am when I'm not trying to impress someone else. But it's the little things that make me long to have that one special guy in my life. 

Wherever you are, just know how some days I wait so patiently... and others I just make impulse decisions that probably keep my farther away from finding you. Do I know you? Do I like you know? Did I weed you out too early? Who are you? I'm not even talking about my eternal companion at this point. Just my next boyfriend... maybe my EC too, maybe just someone to learn more about myself and relationships with.

Sometimes I think its because I'm too out there... I'm just too much for someone to take in. But what I know to be true is that a man isn't going to love me for my fashion... or the sound of my voice... he's going to love me for who I am. And so I will continue to be who I am...

I look at a couple on a scooter ride together, I look at a couple hand in hand, I look as a guy opens the door for his lady, I look as they laugh together, I look as they swing together. It's been from EFY cows, to first boyfriends... with summer lovin' every year. And now I'm in the years where it starts to count... and I've got nothing. The boys I like don't like me. The boys that like me, it's just not that way.

There are just too many boys I think highly of who care more about their own image or own to-do list than me. Which is fine... but someday that will change, right?

I will keep trying to be patient.

But I just want those things that every love movie shows, every love book, every love story. The romantic star-lit nights, the cooking of dinner together... the idea of being with someone you love. Maybe I don't want a boyfriend. Somedays I do, somedays I don't. Maybe I just want some magic mystery man to appear........ maybe I just want one magical kiss that means something...... maybe I just want one guy who truly cares.

Thank goodness for shooting stars... because I just need to keep being patient. <3

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