

Kissy kiss

Most obvious times to know when a girl wants to kiss you: This part is dedicated to Chaunce, go get her! ;)
If she suggests a drive-in movie, movie or star gazing on your first single date together... she wants to kiss you.

If she likes you, she'll touch you a lot. Like push your arm away.

If she says things like, I got all prettied up and wore my short skirt just for you... yeah.

If she wants to come over after midnight.

Eye contact. She will be leaning toward you NOT away from you. She won't mention any other guy in her life...

If all you want from that girl is a macky-mack... then go for it. She's in, you're in. Get going and have a good ol' time.

HOWEVER, If you want it to last. Don't kiss her first in a movie, on your couch or in the car.

Yeah those are convenient places, but if you actually see a future with a girl, then boys, don't be fools. Take it slow. Kiss her somewhere special. Make it a special first kiss... and I success is twenty times - fifty times more likely.

The biggest mistake made is a boy wanting a mack sesh, the girl wanting something more. Or the girl just wanting to kiss and the boy wanting something more. BOTH suck. So make sure it's both want a relationship or both want a smoochy before you go for the kill.  :)

What I want?
Someone who likes me. Someone who takes me on dates I enjoy. Someone I don't have to ask to take me on a date... someone who just wants to all their own. Someone to laugh with me and talk about everything that they can think of. Someone to take me off into the sunset, or under the starry sky or on the rooftop... and give me a soft, meaningful kiss. Then I want them to court me... and date me... and hang out with me all at the same time. Kiss me when I want, but not just to be that girl they kiss. I want them to hug me. To ask how my day is going, to be there at the end of my day. 

My summer lovin' didn't happen. It wasn't meant to be. I'll keep working on me... and maybe soon I'll find someone this could be. I'm not talking marriage... I'm not talking fiance, I'm just talking a boyfriend??? I'm not going to be expecting it from any guy who takes me on a date... but like sometime can it just get to that point? Please? Thanks.

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