I love Christmas time because as my cousin stated so nicely, it naturally brings Jesus Christ and family all together and that is the reason for so much love, charity, happiness and service in this season. The traditions we do around Christmas time are either centered around Jesus Christ or family.
I love taking traditions from each of our families growing up and adapting them to our own family now. I love PJ so much and we have so much fun together all the time! These last few weeks of traditions have been especially fun.
1. oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

We love cutting down a real tree for many reasons. First of all, it's our fun little weekend excursion. We drive up to Idaho to the Brady's… we hike up in the snow and pick our tree. This year it snowed so much so we didn't get to pick it out, but we still got the weekend excursion to the Brady's. There are usually hats, gloves and hot chocolate involved. The hunt is awesome, sawing off even more in the driveway is awesome (ps, that was my muscles doing the job this year) and decorating the tree is so much fun. This year we did gold and red, and duke helped SO much with it all. Not.
Surprisingly, he hasn't tried to eat the tree and ornaments too much.
2. temple lights
I love to see the lights on temple square, and the most beautiful part of all is the temple itself. Temple square is filled with the spirit & the true meaning of Christmas. We also made a few trips inside the temple during the month of december. I love being in the temple. I love the feeling inside, and the feeling after we leave the temple. I am grateful for revelation that I receive in the temple. I am grateful the the Lord hears and answers my prayers. This testimony can be learned and felt all through visiting these Holy Grounds. Which is why we love this tradition to visit temple square at Christmas time.

3. Santa visits
We love dressing up as Santa & his elf being Santas helpers. This is how we deliver our treats & cards. We usually choose a few families each then start on the list. One family we were way excited to get missed because their young kids were asleep. The little girl told her mom we were the real Santa & that he has a sparkly elf. The next family PJ chose, the young boy spoke chinese. Santa spoke chinese with him & the boy was impressed Santa knew more than english. He said does Santa know Spanish? Santa said, "hola"
"Wow, he's good"
It was hilarious.
Brody was excited to see Santa at the next house. Then pj got a work call for those of you who know what he does on call know... He had to changeout of Santa into a Suit then back to Santa. -1hrlater- we finished with the Mechams and Ava was not excited to see Santa. But the boys were good sports even though they knew it was me & pj hahaha! Sydney has a grudge with Santa because he didn't know what she wanted ;) ;).
After our few more treat deliveries, we went to coldstone. They gave it to Santas helpers on the house.
Some people just add to the Christmas spirit. It made our days.

4. Christmas cards
This is our first year of Christmas cards. But I started designing cards for pace made designs, so I had to design my own. I hand painted all the artwork on my card and hand lettered the joy. Pictures were taken by my lovely sister. Sorry if you didn't get one. :) there were a limited amount.
5. As a bonus this year we went to the live nativity. This probably won't be a yearly tradition. But it was pretty cool petting a camel & spending the night focused on a the gift of Jesus Christ this Christmas season.

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