In the big scheme of things, life is amazing.
The day to day stuff can be hard,
I have anxiety and sometimes that can be depressing,
really depressing,
Every day I have to fight it.
And every day, that's what I do.
Lately, I haven't been focusing on any that.
And I hardly even wanted to share that,
because I'm trying out a new perspective.
Instead of trying to compete for who has the hardest
things happening to them right now...
who has the hardest work week,
hardest situation,
who's the busiest,
who's the most stressed,
let's just be positive.
I think my motto right now is...
It's hard for me to see good things happening to people,
and hear them find something to complain about.
It's like for some people you have to complain with them,
in order to even have a friendship.
Don't get me wrong.
That's what friends are for,
listening to the hard times.
It's constant complaints
even on good days
that I'm referring
Why can't we get together & bond about the positives in life?
not the negative. not the gossip.
Complaining about your vacation because of this and this.
Be grateful you have a vacation.
Complaining about work because of this and this.
Be grateful you have a job.
Complaining about how much you have to do.
When most of what you have to do... is AWESOME.
Complaining about this person and that person.
When you're pregnant complaining...
It would be hard to be sick.
But, there is a miracle growing inside of you,
stop complaining about the little things.
Complaining about how long it took at the grocery store.
The good outweighs the bad.
I complain too much.
And too many people complain too much.
I want to be more thankful.
& complain less.
It's okay to have those negative feelings.
To feel awful because you're sick.
Or to feel frustrated because of traffic.
It's when we start spluttering out all the negative
that we sink into the negative trap.
And spiral downward, bringing everyone with us.
My goal lately has been to find the good in the good things.
And mostly find the good in the bad.
A summer to never forget.
We have had it good.
It has been busy, productive, tough & so fun all at the same time.
Taiwan was amazing.
Traveling is my favorite.
This summer has been a whole bunch of travel.
From cities to beaches, hick towns to home towns, country to shopping sprees.
When PJ was in Taiwan for longer than I was...
I missed him so much I didn't know what to do with myself.
He finally came home.
Then, he decided he loved me so much back that we could get a puppy.
I fell in love with the puppy.

Then he fell in love with the puppy.

We had to move out of our awesome apartment.
I went home to WA to see BK graduation and open her mission call.
We had five days to move out of the apartment and into a new one.
It was on that day we got approved for our current apartment.
We got to stay in the ward.
We pay more for less + no A/C, but we get to keep our puppy.
Our blessings outweigh our hardships, always.
The Lord knows what we need, always.
We hung out with that amazing family for the fourth of July.
On my birthday, I spent the day with my good friend and her kids at the pool.
Then my husband spoiled me.

& he got my the most thoughtful gift.

We went to Grace one weekend last minute.
Turned out to be one of my favorite weekends of summer.
We had so much fun with cousins floating lava, fluming (AH!), swimming, hot dogs & night games with the bar-t 5 crew.

- - -
I work all the time.
I work as the kindergarten teacher at my school.
This week was take your kid to work day.
aka. Pet Week
Wish I could get the kiddos I love in this pic,
but that's illegal so a good ol' pic of teacher Lauren and her pup
will have to do.

And I have been doing music time everyday at the center. It's been fun. I'm not great but I love music and the kids love it more.
Then when I come home I work some more,
doing Etsy orders and marketing my businesses.
I handmade each necklace and hand paint each lettering project.
It takes a lot of time.
But, it is a passion and a hobby.
It is my outlet and my happy place.
My husband works more.
So when he's gone.
This is what I do.
And I do a whole lot of it.
check out my new hand lettering section.

A lot of time people I watch my friend and family's kids too.
I love kids and I love that they trust me to do this.
Sometimes I have to say no, cuz I'm way too swamped.
But sometimes I take the opportunities willingly to help out the people I love.
Last week we got to nanny my cute cousin Cali for a few days.

We sure love our puppy child.
He's the cutest.

He is in a puppy class right now.
He's one of the slower ones, but we will get there.

Also, there are some big things coming up for some of the people I love.
That has been fun to celebrate with them.
first, Liz. She's one of my work friends.
And she's leaving to dc.

That'll be sad.
She's a pretty awesome girl.
But she's off for a big adventure.
second, Karli.
She got her mission call to Alabama.
We are all so proud.
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