Plan of Happiness

Today at Travis's missionary discussion, Morgan helped me realize the greatest thing.

We were talking about the Plan of Salvation. Something that I've had memorized since the primary days with the picture sequence that goes through each step. I've always known the order and what each part included, but I never really focused on the application until tonight.

No wonder it was the second missionary discussion! The Plan of Happiness isn't only our reason for existing, it describes our whole purpose in life. It gives us knowledge that we were put on this earth by Heavenly Father, in our families for a reason. That I was sent to the Falter family for a reason and to the parents that I have. It tells us that we made the choice to come here.

While we are here, we are being tested. We are being tested so that we can return to live with Him again. The Plan of Happiness is our direction in life. What we do here, is not just for day to day living, it's for our entire eternal existence. While we are here we can make choices that will allow us to live with our Heavenly Father again, live with our families forever and take the knowledge that we learn with us. I'm not just in college to be a teacher for ten years, EVERYTHING I learn will go with me to the after life.

It's also awesome to think that everyone gets the chance to learn the truth of this gospel, even if it isn't until the next life. The analogy that the missionary used to the Spirit World was summer and summer school. If we learned what we needed to, believed in the gospel and use the atonement, we can enjoy our summer. If we didn't get the chance, we have the opportunity to learn and to teach until judgement day. When we can be resurrected and directed to our kingdoms.

The Plan of Salvation makes me realize that because I know where I am going, that I need to be forever changing, improving and repenting. I'm SO not perfect, but the first step is admitting right?

It was just awesome to think about something so simple in the laminated pictures explains every single purpose of what I am here on this earth and where I am going.

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