Life Is A Song.

Every time I pick up the guitar or sit down at the piano, I wish that I could play something original, sing something no one has heard and fall in love with the sounds I make. After clashing chords, broken strings and ugly phrases I have realized that this might be one hope that I can't accomplish. My dad can do it, my beautiful sister can do it, but somehow that gene skipped me. I did sing an amazing song for my best friend one day... amazingly CHEASY. 

I wish I could write music and sing what's in my heart. Since I can't, I will just listen to those who can over and over and over again until those songs become my ringtones, cleaning songs, car songs and inspiration.

Brooke Bytheway is AMAZING. She is a music therapy major who lives down the floor from me. Her fun fact at the getting to know you games was that she has a song on iTunes, which already makes her legit. This is one of her songs called "Let Go." The video quality, taken from my bright teal 14 megapixel camera is crappy, but the song is incredible and I wanted people to hear it as soon as possible. One day she will be famous and you saw it here first folks.

Her song on iTunes is called "Speechless" by Brooke Bytheway, buy it. Now.

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