

Keeping Up With the Paces

The last couple of weeks have been very full of big decisions and big options. Mostly it has been filled with blessings. This is almost too good to NOT be fiction. 

- Prologue -

The Paces were going to live in Taiwan. Due to answered prayers, education, plan changes, the study abroad is no longer happening. The minute this decision was made in November, I had to quickly get on the job hunt. I have to step up and be the sugar momma so PJ can keep getting educated to make the big bucks.

- Chapter 1: Background -

Once upon a time, I was getting ready to graduate. During fall break I started my certification to become an infant massage instructor. In December, I was due to complete that certification and graduate in Family, Consumer and Human Development. My main emphasis in this field has been Child Development, but I searched high and low to find any job I would love relevant to helping others and social sciences.

- Chapter 2: Job Twister -

I sent my resume to about ten preschools. I heard back from a few. The pay rate, the hours available... yada yada were not cutting it for this soon-to-be college grad. 

I applied to a residential treatment center. 
Interview... I got the job. 
I heard back from a preschool, who offered me an interview for future employment. 
I started working at the treatment center. 
I interviewed at the preschool even though I had a job.
I got another job offer and extreme interest.
When a position opened they would extend me an offer and negotiate pay. 
I kept working at the residential treatment center. 
I love working with these girls in treatment. 
I saw a job opening at Best Friends Child Development Center. 
I have been wanting to work here for a while. 
I applied. 
I got an offer from the other preschool, the pay wasn't great.
I declined.
The next day they offered me higher pay, and said I was a fit for their company.
I got an interview at Best Friends Child Development Center. 
I was told that in the next two weeks I would know.
I told the other preschool I would let them know.
Two days later I got a call from Logan Regional HR (Best Friends Child Development Center). 
I got the job.
The pay is better than all other offers.
The benefits are better than all others.
The job description and hours are better than all others.
This is closer, more relevant and AMAZING opportunity.

- Chapter 3: Blood and Paperwork -

I peed in a cup.
Awkward experience.
I got a flu shot.
I got blood drawn.
I got a cookie.
I got a background check.
I got my picture taken.
I filled out a W-2, I-9 and got a chunky benefits information package.
I declined the offer from the other preschool.
I still want to send them a Christmas card because I love those people.
They made me feel so good about my qualifications.
I put in my two weeks notice at the residential treatment center.
I called my grandma.
She cried.
I told my careers teacher that I got a career, she congratulated me.
I told my sewing teacher I didn't want to take her final, she hugged me, I passed her class with an A.

Answered prayers.

I have a full-time benefited career position.
I am a Child Development Teacher in the two year old classroom.

And I just took my last college final.

- Chapter 4: Blessings -

On Wednesday, I finished all the requirements to complete my certification for the International Association of Infant Massage. I am not a Certified Educator of Infant Massage.

On Wednesday, I was offered a job. I now have a career as a Child Development teacher in a two year old classroom.

Because I have been offered this position. I will work four days, with full-time hours.
I will get Tuesdays and weekends off.
Because of this blessing, I will be able to continue pursuing Baby Massage.

On Thursday, I finished my last two finals and graduate with a BS in Family Consumer and Human Development with emphases in Human Development, Family & Community Services and Child Development.

On Wednesday night, I came home to new fuzzy socks on my bed. 
My husband loves me and I love him.

- Epilogue - 

her heart is full with love and peace
to know her Lord above
looks down on them with watchful eyes 
to bless the trial of
guiding her to a flawless plan
with opportunities of gold
to love and learn
and hug and hold
and play with two-year-olds

(poem, clearly by me.
I struggled.)

- Acknowledgments -

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ.
I believe that one of my gifts is patience and love for children.
With this gift, I can serve the Lord
and use it as an opportunity to make a difference in young lives.
I am grateful to have this gift.
I am grateful for the blessing of this job.
I am grateful for the love and awareness of my Savior.
And I know, all that I have is through Him.

I am grateful for my husband.
He helped me get through this crazy last semester.
I talk with him together about the different job options and what to do.
He has confidence in me and faith in our Heavenly Father.

Today and this week, I am grateful.

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