

Fall Update

It's time for a fall update. So much to do, so little time to blog about it.

Student Teaching Completed
Halloween Success
Brody-boy turned ONE
Taiwan Delayed
Graduation still on
New Job: Residential Treatment Center for Girls
New Business: Baby Massage

I finished my student teaching at the preschool! Woohoo. My teacher said that I was one of her top 3 student teachers. What an honor. Because this teacher is amazing! And has been doing this for a long time. I love working with the preschool age. Anyone under the age of like... 8 or 9... can instantly become my best friends.

Taiwan has been delayed. We have to have our baby first... jk. jk. It just got complicated with Study Abroad, Internship, Practicum, Classes, Grants and Scholarships... blah blah blah. So stay posted for when that trip will happen.

I am graduating in less than a month. I got a real job working full-time for Uinta Academy. I am still keeping my little Boutique open as a stress reliever & hobby. It's just for fun. And I have started my new business, which is something I am very passionate about.

Got that Entrepreneur blood in me...

I will be Lauren Pace, CEIM (Certified Educator of Infant Massage) in about a month. I urge EVERY new parent to look into Baby Massage. It's a game changer. 

I have launched my new business, as I complete the certification.

1 comment:

  1. "we have to have our baby first..." omg. But seriously? You're going to have THE CUTEST kids.
