

Rats and Spiders

A few nights ago. I veigly remember a hilarious instance. I usually wake up in the night only long enough to squirm for a few minutes and fall back to sleep. On this night, that happened. For some reason -- maybe a loving guessture or to remind myself in married and share a bed, I stretched my leg over to Pj and stroked his leg with my foot. One tender stroke. 

Pj woke up in the biggest panic I have ever seen. What-- what is it? What was that? Moving his legs and arms all at an alarming speed... For being asleep a few seconds before. He was moving the covers, a complete spaz attack. 

"Babe, it was just me..."


And with that we were both back to sleep. Sometimes when things happen in the night you forget all about them. Something you see could trigger it. I saw a toy spider and I remembered what happened. I laughed outloud

This morning I asked Pj about it. He thought it was a rat. We live in a mortuary and he's afraid there's a rat in his bed. 

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