

Eyebrow Peej — Take 2

Last summer while I was dating PJ...
he got asked the question, "do you bleach your eyebrows?"
Really??? ... he definitely does not.
People ask some weird questions sometimes.

However, this hard working man does stay on the roof all day...
and the sun beats down on his skin... making him very tan...
and also naturally bleaching his eyebrows.
So, last summer he asked me to dye them. 

Yeah... don't leave hair dye on eye brows as long as you think you should.
I did it for like ten minutes. Bad idea.
They turned dark and looked fine.
But, within five minutes they got darker and darker and darker.
Then he had two black caterpillars above his eyes.
He stormed back into Sally's, asked them what we could do.
They told him it looked fine.
He won't even look at Sally's without disgust now.
It was probably one of the funniest moments of our entire dating relationship.

I finally convinced him to trust me again.
Second time is ALWAYS better than the test round.

Mm, perfect.

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