

No Reaction

I'm trying out a new philosophy when it comes to dealing with the Mr. He's great. I'm great. Duh. We're gonna be great together. There's just one thing. He's a teaser. Some would say he's the "Uncle Kyle" of our family. (Only those who would say that would be the Belnap family). 

For those of you who will never understand what that means let's just say he likes to push the buttons of the people that he loves aka me.

For example, every person we walk by I say, "hey"
And they reply "hey! how are you..."
That's when Mr. PJ jumps in and says, "I'm good, how are you?"
... before I can say anything ...
and they weren't talking to him.
and we've already passed them before I can even recover it.
Serious PJ... that's what I usually say.
It is funny.
It really is... every time.

Sometimes he pushes me into the snow when we're walking.
Or, he tries to trip me.
He pushes on my cup while I'm mid swallow.
He makes exaggerated eating sounds every time I take a bite. 
This list goes on and on.
It really is hilarious.

I love our relationship because we can have fun together.
But some of this stuff... I got tired of being like "PJ stop, PJ stop, PJ stop."
Whether I laugh, push back, say stop...... whatever my reaction...
 it doesn't EVER work.

So my new philosophy is called.
No Reaction.

He pushes me into the snow...
I just walk in the snow.

He tries to trip me.
I keep walking.

He pushes my cup while I drink.
I get water on my lap and act like nothing happened.

My dad taught me this when I was little. When we were being provoked or provoking our siblings, he'd always say, they just want your reaction, so if you don't give him one then they will stop.

It really works.

Right after one of my NO REACTION moments.
I locked PJ out of the car.
Laughing and laughing like I was so funny.
Cuz, well, I was.

He tried out my no reaction philosophy and climbed in the sunroof
in the Subway parking lot.

Whoops, hole in the crotch. #iknewitwasthereputthispictureupanyway

I love this guy.
All his teasing and I don't even think he's obnoxious.
I think he's hilarious.

I think that's why it's so perfect we found each other.
Cuz we're weird. We have FUN together.
And we complete each other.
This is love.


Try out my philosophy guys, 
do the "no reaction."

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