

An Easter Post

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ.
I am grateful that he died for MY sins.
And was resurrected so that we can LIVE again.
I know that Jesus Christ was a perfect man.
A perfect man who took on the sins of all the world.
He took on the pains and sorrows of all the world.
He is the only person who can understand every pain I feel...
and He did that for ALL of us.

Every SINGLE day... I face a challenge... and I get through them.
Every SINGLE day... I accomplish things... and it makes me proud.
EVERYTHING I do, is through Christ who strengthen me.

I am amazed out how selfless and INCREDIBLE our Savior is.
I am so thankful that we have the knowledge that Christ lives.
Without him, without the atonement, without Heavenly Father's plan.
We would be nothing.
We would go no where.

With the ability to repent, and be forgiven, 
to have our burden's lifted and questions answered...
we can find happiness.
And eternal joy.

I love my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter!

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