

Personal Day

I'm taking a personal day today.

A personal day is a beautiful thing... I haven't gotten dressed. I have left my room twice for food and the potty. The most productive thing I did was redo my blog and download music. My cousins didn't even know I was home until 4:30 pm. And that my friends... is serious skill.

My life has just been wonderful as of late. I got back from the best trip of my entire left me stronger and happier!

So here I lay on my personal day, reliving the memories and pondering the mysteries of life.

Life. What a beautiful mess.
Every corner holds a new surprise...
One night you're boarding a red eye to Costa Rica,
the next you're eating homemade lasagna and going Latin Dancing in Logan, Utah.
It goes so quick and brings so many good times.
And then one day you just look back on the memories and smile.

I went through so many old pictures today.
High school days, my awkward phase, freshmen year and summer lovin'...

Everyday holds the unexpected,
but the unexpected can only bring a smile my way.

Everything headed my way is part of Gods plan for me,
whether it is a challenge or a happy surprise,
I am being blessed and I have been blessed.

Here's to every moment.
Every moment I look back on.
Every moment that lies ahead.
And every moment I'm living in.

The moments that made me smile this week.
Being rescued from the airport by Kyle.
Working at my cute day care again, with kids who speak English.
Hot showers, toilets that flush TP, rides on Jerry.
Dinner dates on the town.
Homemade lasagna and latin dancing.
Leaving Jerry overnight, only to find a yellow rose on it the next day. :)
Random trips to Idaho.
"Sport's Academy" instead of "Air Force Academy."
Online shopping and missionary letters.
And last but not least, personal days. 

I am grateful.

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