

Costa Rica: Day Twelve

I woke up early after nine amazing hours of sleep and went to use the bathroom... out waddled my cute Momma, entire Butt exposed.
You could say we are now bonded on a whole new level.

There was another new girl today, me and Ky are good at orienting them. And her Spanish is rusty like ours is so I was her translator today, because I've memorized the new kid schpeel. We all left to take her to Maximo. And our mom was like oh I forgot my umbrella. And I just told her "pura vida." She laughed about it the rest of the bus ride. It's definitely not "pura vida" when you forget an umbrella here. But I haven't had an umbrella this whole time and have loved being drenched instantly. It's rain like you wouldn't believe but I love just standing under it.

At breakfast I communicated for Kim in Spanish to our mom with one sentence. She was so happy I used Spanish and formed complete sentences that she didn't even answer what I said. She just started clapping and acting really happy. Me and her have several inside jokes and so I repeat them a lot. She's so cute. I'm happy to have such a good mother In Costa Rica.

At Bebitos today they had dance class again. They did an art project and I fed Marty his bottle.

We played outside, danced inside, had snack and helped feed lunch. Today the dance teacher showed me the shuffle (American dance move) and we listened to Party Rock Anthem. Those teachers can shake their booties! The teachers said they're sad to see us go because they take all their helpers in as family there.

I'm sad to go too, because that is one "family" of thirty kids and three teachers that I will never forget.

We went shopping again today and it was much more of a success. And Emily was there, which was really fun! I got better at bargaining and seriously don't have much money left. But most of the things I got are for my family and I love them, so what can you do. (better all love what ya get).

We rode the bus back and I began to pack. Tomorrow is our last day with the kids, then we are going to Puerto Viejo. I know what I'm wearing to the airport and Barbi better have her camera ready for pick up (on June 3rd).

Tonight was a fiesta at our house for the girl Marissa who has been here seven months. Twelve people were here total, the food should was delicious. And there was wine all around. It'd be so easy for me to drink here if I wanted too, but I filled up my cup with Shasta soda and toasted with all their wine glasses. I love all these people here, we've all become very close.

Our mom kept yelling, "chicas!!! Fiesta!!!" from the kitchen. Time to get our party on!

Tonight I went out with my roommates Kim, Marissa, Ely and Alyssa, to a bar for the first time in my life. Ben met us there after a quick ring to his house phone and also two of Marissa's friends who are Ticos. There weren't a ton of people there, but after we finally got in (besides Ben- forgot his ID- also a first-timer) and danced the night away. I really chose the best people to go with that I could've. I had so much fun!!! I needed a good dance party. And Ben and I rocked the dance floor sober.

I had more fun than I've had at a dance in a long time. There was no one coming up behind us or being way creepy. We had moves like you wouldn't believe and Ben blew our minds with some of the stunts he pulled out there. Most if the guys were watching him and not us. I love my roomies, even though Kim and Ely just got here within the last three days. It's amazing how fast you can learn to love people and figure out who they are.

Today was one of my favorites in Costa Rica because I feel like part of a tight-knit family here at work, at Maximo and at home.

Life is just good in Costa Rica! Pura Vida.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you worry, I will be there June 30th with camera in hand!! ;) hee hee
