

Costa Rica: Day Seven

I couldn't be any happier right now. Seriously. I thought I've been happy, well now, I'm happier. The difference? I see more fully God's hand in my life. It gives me comfort, hope and really true happiness. Ah, can't even express my emotions with words, I love my life!!!!

Looking back a couple months ago, when I wasn't planning on coming to Costa Rica and planning on doing other things with my summer and future, I shutter. If my "trial" had never of happened, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't of learned what I've learned, seen what I've seen, come to love things I never knew or been blessed in the way I have. I can not be more grateful for that trial that was sent my way, which turned out to be the biggest blessing in my life. And has opened doors of opportunities that I will continue to realize as I make each step forward with faith.

Today was my favorite day at Bebitos. I have known these kids fives days and I just love them, so much. I have found different things I can do that make each one happy. I have broken the ice between a few who have kept their distance until today. And made them all laugh. Hearing kids laugh is one of my favorite things.

I am not talented when it comes to sports or music or tests... (Anything you'd want to see), however I am talented with kids. I am make them laugh, even with no Spanish background, I can communicate and love all of these kids. I am grateful that I know working with kids is my talent. Because I have realized this I am able to use my talents, do what I love and serve others all at the same time. Another reason to smile and count my blessings.

Today we did the usual art projects, played outside, did chalk, played with balls, had snack and lunch. They had me sing songs, using a plastic flower and my microphone. We were dancing and laughing the whole time. I sang the Phantom of the Opera, some Ke$ha and what I know of La Cucaracha (which all i know is the part that says "la cucaracha"). Some girls always want me to push them on the swing cuz I use all the energy I have in me when I do it and I have to say, it is pretty funny. Another girl plays with my hair or takes pictures on my camera and they all just look at me like I'm crazy.

Because I can't make jokes, I will pick up dinosaurs and say "moo." that's about as good as it gets for these kids, but they love it. Thank heavens they do, cuz I'd really have to get creative thinking of other jokes. They called me crazy today, I did understand that one! And it was very flattering that I can have that rep in the states and now in Costa Rica. They are learning my personality as much as I'm learning theirs.

I'm just in love. Some kids will hug me goodbye now and I just look at each of them and wonder what their lives will be like. I'm sad to only know them for such a short time, but they will be in my heart forever.

Gah, I'm just so happy and my heart is full of love! This is the best experience of my life.

Now heres to the weekend! Manuel Antonio (beach on the Pacific side), here we come baby!!!

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