

Joy Today

Life is so good! The sunshine is out, literally and metaphorically.
Can I just say... there is a God and God is good!!!

Let the past make you better, not bitter. :)

I went to this fireside the other week and it was one with music, it was Michael McLean. (Which are my favorite!) One of the stories he told was talking about how these ladies went on vacation to Hawaii and it the worst rain they've have in years the whole time they were there. And the lyrics were "I'm not waiting for tomorrow for the storm to clear, I'm not waiting for tomorrow for a rainbow to appear, I'm not waiting for tomorrow, I'm going to find my joy today."

First off, I just LOVE rain analogies. (I know that's way weird... but it's probably because I just love the rain!) Second, it is so true!! I love it!

Don't let anything have the power to take away the joy today!
Crummy times happen, they do. I know. You know.

But there is happiness, joy, hope... in everyday.

Find your joy today. It's there. :)

The joy I have comes from the faith I have put in God's plan.
The hope and trust I have in Him.
And the people that I have in my life.

My happiness comes from bro day with some funny guys,
when everyone left for Easter.

My happiness comes from Eck! Such a great person!

My joy comes from Skype calls to Jordina before he leaves tomorrow!

My happiness comes from homemade desserts!

My happiness comes from pranking Kyron!

And matching him and AJ.

My joy comes from going to Costa Rica!!!
I'm GOING!!! I'm going to volunteer in an orphanage,
the end of next month! 
I can't wait!

I am just happy. 
Because I choose to be!
Life is good.

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