

Stumbled Upon

I have stumbled upon a few things on the internet the last couple of days that have been inspiring. 
And so I'm going to share.

The first is about love.

A lot of my friends are getting married these days.
And one day when it's my turn I want to remember this article.
It's not about the perfect wedding.
The petty things don't matter to make it all perfect.
It's about the marriage. :) 
I love that! What a strong woman!!!

The second is about Kony 2012.

I heard about invisible children years ago.
And it makes me so sad that kids live their life like this.
These people are amazing for discovering them and doing something about it.


I am thankful for my health... 
that I've never had to do radiation treatment or fight cancer.
I am thankful for my childhood.
I am thankful that I can gain an education.
I am thankful that I am safe.
And that I have a family.

We all have a lot to be thankful for in our own lives.
So let's count our blessings.

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