

Wonder Woman Lauren

There's nothing better than Christmas morning.
Everyone in the family is happy.
Happy to be giving, happy to be receiving, happy to see it all happen.
It's magical and wonderful.

My mother made me the most thoughtful gift this year. A quilt full of every memory from childhood. She's been saving material and shirts and jerseys and all sorts of treasures to incorporate in a blanket I can keep with me. It was amazing. And I know it took a lot of work. It was a gift from the heart. I loved it.

I also got cute clothes, kitchen things and a sewing machine.
And now I will become a sewer.

One of my favorite traditions in my family. Is the opening of presents. We go by age and before opening each one, we say what we love about the person the present is fun. Not only is it really great to hear and feel all the love in the room. It's usually some of the most quotable lines... for years and years and years.

Here's a little snip of what was said:

I love Mom and Dad because they're supporting and encouraging. -Adam

I like my hot stuff cuz she's got it going on. -Dad

I love Kylee and Luke because they're nice to me. -Emmalee

I love Lauren cuz she's so unique. Of there's any word to describe you. It unique. -Austin

I love Brooklyn because she's really funny and really nice. -Adam

I love Lauren because she shares special moments when we sleep together in bed... -Brooklyn

I love Mona because she makes EVERYTHING wonderful in my life -Emmalee

I love Mona because Shes not Russian. -luke

I love Lauren cuz she's not too cool to be with me an I love her blogs -Mother

Dad to Mom: I'm ready to chase ya ;)

My family is the best. 
We sure know how to have a good time together.

This Christmas and this year I am especially thankful for the true reason. The Savior Jesus Christ who was born into this scary world. Who lived a perfect life and left a perfect example. Who atoned and suffered for all the sins that He'd never make himself. And die on a cross so that we can be resurrected and live with God again. It is amazing that He has been a part of this great plan.That because of this baby born to Mary and Joseph in a manager, thousands of years ago.The gospel that sets my standards, fills my heart with peace and joy, is centered around this man- my Savior, my brother, my Redeemer. And because of this truth I can repent of my sins, I can be forgiven, I can live with Him again and be sealed to my family forever.

I love my Savior; celebrating his birth is the most joyful time of year.

Bryden Belnap

This boy, Bryden William Belnap, is incredible.
He is such a loving guy, and all smiles.
I love how he just makes the most serious moments lighthearted.
And is close to perfect in following the example of Christ.
What I love about Bry is his special spirit. 
He lets people who don't feel loved everyday, feel loved.

Wonder Woman

I have recently receive the wonderful gift of a sewing machine, yet I am very unskilled with what I can do. All the younger kids and my parents went to bed, so I pulled out my new toy and decided to train myself. 

I cut.

I sewed.

I folded it inside out.

And I made a bow.

And then my mom gave me a better idea.
And I made these precious little flowers.

And here is my father, modeling my first sewing project.

My goal for 2012 is to become a better sewer and wonder woman in general.

I want to cook better.
I want to bake better.
and I want to craft better.
It all starts with a little more craft Saturdays in my life.

I told my dad it'd get me guys.
And he basically said with some humor and sarcasm, 
it won't. Great.

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