

A Year In Review

"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture... 
Slipping through my fingers all the time"

There's so much I want to do in my life. But there's already so much I absolutely love right now that I don't ever want to lose. Growing apart from things is part of growing up but there will always be a place in my heart for all of it.

I know I'm growing up because I get kitchen appliances, crafting tools & Joann's gift cards and I'm so overwhelmed with joy. The sentimental gifts mean more to me than what Santa brings. Christmas is about giving for me and the receiving has become a bonus. 

I reflect on this year. Which has just been amazing to me. Before I begin blogging about the New Year and resolutions I'd just like to reflect on this incredible year and how it leaves my heart full on this very day. 

I listen to songs, reflect on months and my emotions change to match the memories. 

My life-long best friend and twin got married. 
I gained the two of the greatest friends I've ever had in my life:
Kylee Anna Geisler and Chauncy Harrison.
I went on so many fun dates. 
I made life decision changes.
I had some real hard stuff hit my heart. 
And now I'm looking forward with confidence in who I am and where I'm going. 
I'm happy as a single woman.
I'm happy to say I know a little more about myself. 

I have moved to four different homes. 
I am a resident on Utah. 
I am employed at two incredible preschools. 

I can see good things in my future. 
I've had incredible things in my past. 
And I am happy in the moment. 

I don't need to be dependent on anyone. And that's the greatest thing I've learned in 2011. I am financially independent. I no longer am glued to a twin and or boy controlling my emotions. 

And I had some amazing times and built friendships I hope to have forever. My Heber buds. Blue Light House Crew. My snow hall crew.  My garden court ward. Summer friends. Conference Center friends. ASSERT friends. Julie's Preschool Employees. Old Farm friends. Oakridge friends.Brad, Aaron, Wes and Sterling! All the camps that came in and out. All the random people we met. All the dates. I can't begin to name the amazing people I've met and made memories with.

UW visit

Dance vids...

It all started a loooong time ago.

Pickle juice pong... with John. rhyme?

I miss Ashley! Good good good night.

Love these girls and Randall!

I danced in the rain.

First Jazz Game!

These gals were my besties and party-ing happened EVERY night.

My boyfriend Beibs. ;)

Chauncy Harrison became my best friend.

And I met the lovely Adairs.

Basketball games were incredible.

I sang at my sister's wedding.

My hair went brown.

Mardi Gras!

First date.

OSRT. :)


I just love him.

Party hardy!

My friends all left on their missions.

I had lovely first roommates.

Finals about killed me.

My best friend's wedding <3

I went to the first funeral I can remember. <3

fries on the fry statue


Fell in creepy love with Nathan!


Peed on old main... was tan for a couple months.

Love Jason Russell!

Hiked to the twin caves


Brandon... boat... best times.


Gregg was a funnnny funny man.

loved them!



Mud Volleyball!


Roommates once upon a time.

Football, strangers.



Braved the IWA dance


Temple lights!!!



Ashley, my best buddy!

Kissing under the mistletoe

Met AJ, my pants neighbor.

2011 was a year for learning. 
I have learned who I am and who I want to be.

And 2012 I will become that person.
Everyday striving to be better and do better.
I proclaim it as a year for laughing and loving.

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