

Thanksgiving In My Heart

The only thing constant in life is change. 
I can't even list how much has changed in one year.

Blondey to brunette. My major. I have been single... in and out of flings for a year. I have a new brother-in-law and an exchange sister from Finland. I got another job and a promotion at my first. I'm going to Costa Rica this summer! New best friends. I've moved two (about to be three) times.

I am growing up everyday. I am l-o-v-i-n-g life.
All this change, all this learning... 
It's hard to account for everything I am thankful for.
I am going to steal Kelsie Mason's idea. 
I am 19 years old, I will list 19 things I am most thankful for.

1. My Savior Jesus Christ and His Gospel
I would be no where without even the knowledge of my Savior. He is my light and my Redeemer. He is a perfect man, who leads me with His perfect example. He atoned for my sins. He died so that I could repent and grow and learn and one day live in the presence of God. He feels every pain that I suffer and He carries every burden, that I share with Him. I know that God is watching and He has greater things in store for me than I have for myself. I know that the Spirit will guide me, that my prayers will be answered and that no matter what trial I am facing, there is something to be learned.

2. My Family
I can't list my family, because each year it grows. And I am thankful for my immediate family, as well as extended family. I am grateful for the people I call "family" who aren't blood related. There are so many times a week when I just need my mom to be phone call away and she is there. My parents are amazing. They know how to raise one heck of a family. And they taught me the importance of communication, trust, service and relying on the Lord.

3. Education
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to go to college. I am grateful that college is Utah State University. That I can gain an education. And that I can use my education to do what I love, while making a difference in live. My major is Family, Consumer and Human Development with a Child Development Emphasis and Special Education Minor. I plan on working with Special Needs kids age 0-3 in their homes.

4. My job: ASSERT
I have two different jobs. And one I am especially thankful for is the Autistic preschool I work at. It is amazing to everyday see improvement in the little boys and girls I work with. I seriously LOVE those kids with all my heart. 

5. Happiness
I am grateful that almost everyday I wake up happy. I'm grateful that I can know the feeling of happiness. And that I have the power to make someone else happy too. Happiness is the greatest feeling.

6. The Temple
I am thankful for the Logan temple. There have been a lot of big decisions to be made and a lot of sorting out feelings. The temple is a place I can go for peace and understanding.

7. Chauncy Harrison
Chauncy is my best friend. To some people it might seem like we're dating, and some who know we aren't think that one day we'll be married. No matter what happens with this guy, I will always be thankful for him. He's there ALWAYS when the rest come and go. He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me feel good enough for this world that doesn't always make ya feel that way. He's incredible. And I am proud of who he is.

8. Kylee Maughan & Luke Maughan
This trip home I've really gotten to hang out with my long-lost twin sister. I love this girl. We are on the same brain length at all times. Our humor coincides, we understand each other fully and that's what I miss the most about have my twin around. We're just funny together. And have fun together. And Luke, he's hilarious too. They are a GREAT couple. I have made my decision, I love them for each other!! And I know in February,  maybe October through March I counted Kylee's wedding as a trial. And it was, it was a really hard time. But now I count it as a blessing. It has giving me the chance to be independent. And I am really really happy that she found a man perfect for her.

9. Kylee Geisler
I love Kylee Geisler, she's my best friend. She's the one I tell everything to. And she gets it all. We have the same tolerance of people. We have the same standards and love for the gospel. I am starting to realize that those qualities in a friend, make a friendship so much stronger and meaningful. I have too much fun with Kylee. I just love her.

10. Friends
I am grateful for friends in general. I have a lot of them out there. And just a simple hi from these incredible people, is enough to smile about. 

11. Love
I am thankful for love. I am thankful I know what love feels like and was taught how to love. No, I haven't found my true love, but I have love in my heart for enough people, that I am thankful for that feeling and emotion and concept. I seriously LOVE LOVE. And I love seeing other people in love. Love is magical. 

12. Hair I am thankful for the hair on my head.
13. Eyes I am thankful I can see the beauty in this world.
14. Ears I am thankful to hear, ASL has taught me a new perspective.
15. Mouth I am thankful to speak and to sing.

16. Bad Dates 
I need to count my blessings when it comes to bad dates. Most of my dates are not bad, they are in fact SO great. I love dates. And I wish I would date a lot more. They are fun, and really teach you what you want or don't want in a person. But I have had so many bad "flings," or mini relationships... booty call, not ready for a girlfriend, don't understand the idea of friendship... what have you. I know it's been a big trial for me this year. But I'm grateful for what I've learned about myself and that it will make my Prince Charming that much more worth it.

17. Food I just love food, simple as that.
18. Exercise It just makes you feel good.

19. Costa Rica I am thankful I have the chance to change lives. I am going to Costa Rica to volunteer in orphanages and schools... and that is my dream coming true. As I raise money and create a plan, I can't help being obnoxiously excited about the experience that lies ahead.

Life is beautiful.
I am blessed
I am thankful.

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