


I just wrote an URCO journal, article reflection and final reflective paper.
I just finished that entire online class.

I wrote three Sign Language interactions.

I revised another draft of my eight page research paper. 
I wrote my service learning paper for english.

And I sold my Old Farm contract! :) :) :)

My eyes will fall out of my head any second now.
But I feel good about all that I just got done.
A couple more hours of work and I'll be done with my English class too.

I could do without class and work everyday,
if I'm going to be this productive.
AND not have to shower.
AND buy an ugly sweater to add to my collection :)

Life is good.
The blessings are falling.
Now if I could just get off the couch I've sat on working allllll day.

1 comment:

  1. Where are you going to end up living now? :) I'm glad you got it all worked out! :)
