

Best Buddies

The world would be a happier place if we all had a Best Buddy.

Best Buddies is a non-profit organization, that uses volunteers to develop one-on-one friendships with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
I have two jobs, eighteen credits, recruit for admissions, study and exercise. I am busy every night and awake way too early each morning. I may be too frazzled to cook a grilled cheese without the fire alarm blaring, but I will stop everything I’m doing to answer a call from my best buddy, and hear all about her exciting news or terrible day. The moment she was introduced into my life, I became important to her and all the same, she has impacted my life.
Best Buddies changes lives. It is an organized friendship to someone who doesn’t always have that kind of support. Friendship is powerful. Who doesn’t want to have a friend?

Growing up, I had an uncle who was born with Down syndrome. He has been in hospitals his whole life, numerous times connected to oxygen and breathing masks, but each day has a smile on his face. It is a miracle that he is still alive.
At a very young age, I realized he was different. He is not scary, as he appeared to the people we would pass, he was absolutely amazing. He is different than me, you and the people who laugh and point... he is better.

My uncle, was expected to live a very short life, but he is a fighter. He is not alive today solely because of the doctor visits. He is alive today because of the people in his life, the people who gave him hope. Many people chose to be his friend. Differences aside, people saw him for who he is and showed him love.

That is what Best Buddies is about, befriending someone who is different and loving them regardless of their disabilities. Some people will just walk past these amazing individuals with disabilities and never learn their story, they never open their hearts and those people will never be touched. Best Buddies is not for school credit or money, the only purpose is to be a friend. It’s the people who took this initiative on their own who made such a difference in my uncle’s life, and for that reason I will take that same initiative and try to make the same impact.

My buddy's name is Ashley. Everyday Ashley talks to me. She tells me when she's sad and mad and when she's having a really great day. Ashley is 27 and just needs someone to talk to. After a few times of hanging out with her, I have figured out her sense of humor and what makes her happy :) I must say, she is a fun girl!

Some days I wonder about Best Buddies, thinking to myself, “Is this a joke? Does Best Buddies actually exist so that I can have a friend?” Each time I leave my buddy, I just feel good about life.

Spread love in this world, get a Best Buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    Thanks for the kind of person you are, for making the world a better place. Wonderful post for your service learning. It's been SUCH a pleasure to have you in class.
