

You Can Do It!

So... I just need to vent this to you for just a minute.
Today I had work, class, class, class, SI, meeting, institute, English quiz and a Humanities essay revision.
Tomorrow I have class, class, work and an SI.
Thursday I have work, class, class, class, Super SI, Deaf Halloween Party and work meeting.
Friday I have work, TEST, quiz, work.
Saturday, hair cut, HOWL (trying to be a little social), study with Bryce for Humanities.
Sunday, my day to breathe and go to church.
Monday, it starts over. 

I have a Humanities test.
I have a US Institutions test and Quiz.
I have a Speech, Hearing and Language Development test and writing sample.
I have an English research paper.
I have a Sign Language test in two parts.
Tour test retake.
20 hours of work.
And I am going to do WELL!!!!
I know I can do it.
It's just a lottttttttttttttt to do.
Too much on my plate.
Too, too, too much!


All I know is that everything I have is through God.
I can't do anything without my Savior. 

I love the hope that I'm in this life for a reason.
I'm not just here to take all these tests and do this dumb homework. 
But I know that I CAN do it all.
He gave me this week, because I can grow from it, and I'm tough enough to handle it.
Really, things could be a lot worse.
My good friend Aaron had that tattooed on him.
What a good attitude, it could be worse.
Really, I need to count my blessings more.

The good thing is, I know the truth.
I know why I'm here.
Who I am.
Where I'm going.
And in the eternal perspective especially,

I know that no matter how much of an off day I'm having, I'll still have that one person to love me.
And I also know with the true friends and family members that I have, I'll have more than that too.

I am kinda mad at myself for not being more aware of how much I rely on the strength of the Lord and atonement of the Lord in my life when I was in high school. I'm sorry to the friends I had, who didn't see me represent Christ in the ways I should've. And even now, I need to be more aware of who I should ALWAYS be remembering and who I can acknowledge with gratitude for every blessing I have on this earth.

I love Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. 
And I know that no matter what is happening in your life, you can do it! And you don't have to do it alone. 


  1. You don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog! You inspire me! :)

  2. You are amazing Lauren. I love and admire you so much. How proud to be your Grandmother.

    Love ya and see you on Thanksgiving!!!!

    Crazy G F
