"This gospel has made more out of me, than I could've made for myself."
The gospel brings me so much happiness and knowledge of the truth.
I know WHY I'm here I know WHERE I'm going, I know WHAT I need to be doing and HOW I need to act. I know who I am.
I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father... and He loves me. Jesus Christ died for everyone, that's right. Jesus Christ died for me individually. He suffered for my sins. He knows what I go through and as a result, I will never be alone. Ever. No matter how I'm feeling, I'll have one person who will understand. Someone who took on all the pain in the world, so that I wouldn't have to.
I have people on the other side rooting for me. I have guardian angels and the Holy Ghost directing my path. My "plan" may not always align with His plan... but perfect faith means no fear.
Head first. Fearless.
I'm excited for what He has in store for me.
What is "cool" doesn't matter... what "everyone else" is doing is not important.
Jesus Christ, He is what is important. Working everyday toward perfection, failing and trying even harder the next day. That is what is important.
Saturday October 8th, 2011, AKA, the day I absolutely knew I am not ashamed to be who I am. Sure, I knew before, kinda. But vocally and to the world, I would like to announce that I am free to be me. I am not ashamed to tell you that I love my Savior. I am not ashamed to tell you that I shop at the DI. I am not ashamed to say that I crochet...
There was a time where going to Value Village or the Good Will was embarrassing. Going to the DI is now a pass time. I LOVE wearing DI clothes.
DI wedding dress.
NEW SWEATER :) :) :)
And a three dollar skirt... heck ya!
There was a time when I wouldn't tell people I could crochet. The mind process was, that's for old people... I even told my mom that I didn't like the yarn she got me one time because I was so embarrassed she brought it up. Still feel guilty about that one. I still have that yarn mom, and I love it.
There was a time when I wasn't going to dance in front of people. There was a time when I wouldn't make silly faces. There was a time when I wouldn't talk about periods or whatev. I am. who. I. am. I am happy because I choose to be and because I have faith and hope and so much to look forward to with the knowledge that there is a God who knows and loves me.
And because I know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father
and that my goal is not to be popular,
or have the most dates,
or even land a boyfriend...
that my goal is to make it happily back to Him...
Then I will smile, keep my chin up and be the Lauren Falter I want to be.
This weekend was so fun.
I needed a good care-free weekend with my best friend.
A Friday of head banging straws, replaying our summer nights, a fun blind date and pumpkin carving. A Saturday of attempting to sleep in, DI, dollar store, last half of the game, random visitors, party hoppin', pizza and late night moo-moo dancing.
haha lauren! that DI wedding dress is actually really cute on you!! Call me crazy, but i love it!