Chauncy Harrison

Chauncy is the only guy who I've dedicated more than one blog to.
He's probably the guy I mention the most.
And that's for one reason: he means SO much to me.


This guy seriously has been there for me through it all: 
when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm mad, when I'm being a WEIRDO...

I get scared thinking about my husband in the future and stuff...
and I just think, I want them to know me inside and out and love me.
And with Chauncy-Chaunce I don't have to hide anything about who I am.
And he loves me no matter what.
He has taught me what kind of love I deserve.
And he deserves even more.

When I'm having a rough night, I say, "I might need a teal couch night."
He's always ready for my emotional outbursts.
One day I was completely depressed and shutting down, hard.
I called one of my friends. He talked with me.
And then I cried in a little ball in Chauncy's arms.
And slept on his baby teal couch.

I woke up with a note from him.
It's made it on the wall through three moves.
I won't ever forget.

He's always there with open arms.
He's not just my "comforter."
He's freakin' hilarious, laughs so much and is fun to be with.
I love going over there and just turning on some Ke$ha.

He lets me be the person I am.
No strings attached.
He's not friends til something better comes along.
He will always be one of my very best friends.

And to me the truest friend I could get.

Chauncy Harrison... everybody, you wish you had an amazing man like this in your life.

"I love him with all of my butt.
I'd say heart, but my butt is bigger."


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