A Break

I took a break from all my problems.
I took a break from all my homework.
I took a break from work.
I took a break from tests and studies and BOYS.
It was a drama-free weekend.
It was a stress free weekend.

And the very first weekend I took a "break" that actually felt like one.
I feel so happy and re-motivated to get through this semester.

I've had some pretty crappy tests and not much time for myself,
but I feel so much better about everything now.
SO SO SO SO much happier :)

The message today in church that I felt strongly about was love.
Loving someone is to not judge and is to be like Jesus.
Loving someone who's not like us, is all we can do.
We can't force them to be like us.
We must just love.
Love everyone.

I came home.
Osama pooped.
I cleaned her.
I cleaned my room.
Put everything away.
Got a missionary letter from Cam Richardson for me and ChauncE.
Rolled the cookie dough.
Saw my best friends and roomies.
Saw a toilet problem.
Created a Toileting 101 sign.
Mostly to be funny, partially cuz I'm serious.
But hey, I love them.
They just need to flush twice sometimes.
I love my roommates.
And am very grateful to be at this school,
in this town, with these friends and
employed in two places.
Not so happy that an alarm will wake me up in less than seven hours.

Lets get back in the groove of things. :)

-Raised in the Country-
Sometimes I just feel like I should've been raised in the country.
I love being outside. 
And having things to do.
I love running around in the grass.
I like to fish.
 I love being on any kind of boat.
I like trying stuff like rock climbing.
I love hikes.
I love walks in the woods.
I love four wheeling.
I want to try hunting.
I want to ride horses.
I just love doing things outside.

-Family Time-
Another thing I really like is family time.
I don't care if it's my family, 
Or I get the opportunity to be with someone else's. 
I love it.

I love playing family games.
I love sitting around eating as a family.
I love being a part of a family.

I love my family growing up.
They're seriously perfect for me.
I'm definitely not in a perfect family.
But, we are in a circle of love and support.
And just being with them makes me happy.

In high school I felt a part of a couple families: 
My own, the Anderson's and the Aiono's. 
These guys were my second and third mothers and fathers.
They showed me different ways families worked and loved me for me.

Now, I'm a part of another family.
The Geisler family.
A weekend away with a family...
There's no way it would be wasted.
Having home cooked meals, fishing, shopping, laughing and hanging out with a family is more enjoyable to me than some dance party in Logan or hanging out with a boy who will drop you in a weeks time. 
Got a winter coat FINALLY. 
After a year of enduring the cold weather without it. :)
I loved being here in Rigby, ID this weekend.

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