
This beautiful home of mine.

This great friend of mine.
Michael Litchfield.
Relived my childhood days with him.

Capital Mall. Tumwater falls. Baskin Robbins.

And this darling sister. 
Brooklyn Kay Falter.

Slamming her into my car with a sudden breakage. 

This best friend of mine. 
Brianna Marie Anderson.

You never laugh harder, then when you're with your best friends.
"Jaylee??? Sounds like skanky neighborhood.... tell her I said that"
"He seemed pretty eager to get those acne medications filled"
Chatting it up with strangers.
Diabolical plans unfolding.

This heated bench.

This great friend of mine. 
Oliver "Ols Balls" Nelson.

Sent me 60 texts saying he was going to strangle me. 
Should I be worried?

This little sister of mine: 
Emmalee MacAnn Falter.

And Adam David Falter.
Rollerblading on a summer day.

And of course singing time in the car with my momma!

The thing I loved most about this trip home is that...
I wasn't there for Christmas.
I wasn't there for Thanksgiving. 
I wasn't there for a Wedding.
I wasn't there for a funeral.

This was my very first trip home with nothing big planned.
Where I could just relax.
Visit with both grandparents a lot!
Play with my little siblings.
See some high school friends.
See my very BEST friend.
Visit Aufort and his kids.
Go to the drive in.
Sleep in.
Read a book.
Take naps.
Get a Father's blessing. 

:) It was an amazing trip.
And I'll tell you what. 
The Lord was watching out for me this trip...
I made my flight by five minutes.
Ran through the airport TWICE. 

I love my family. <3 & friends.
And Brianna Marie Anderson.
And the raspberry jam I got!

Next trip: Christmas! See ya all then!

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