There's just so much to say right now.
And I'll tell ya what. I'm going to say it.
Life is good.
Life is good.
I got back from Washington midnight on the night before school started. I was texting my lovely three best friends the play by play of where I was and when I'd be barging through that door. And the reply I got back? "If I'm asleep come wake me up." Yeah, I knew this was going to be a good year.
I'm not used to coming home and people wanting to see me. Sleep less important than seeing me after my trip? That can just tell you right there how amazing these three girls are. I love them so much. Liz, Emilee and Kylee. They keep me doing what I should and there has not been a lonley second in this apartment.
Funny story: I walked around the WHOLE entire day on the QUAD. Saw just about everyone I knew. Spent over an hour out there and... on the last booth when I was about to head home. I was informed that my pants button was undone. Thank you Skyler Parkhurst. :) HAHAHAHA. Awesome.
Funny story: I walked around the WHOLE entire day on the QUAD. Saw just about everyone I knew. Spent over an hour out there and... on the last booth when I was about to head home. I was informed that my pants button was undone. Thank you Skyler Parkhurst. :) HAHAHAHA. Awesome.
I love all my classes. Love my apartment. Love my roommates.
Even worked out yesterday. This is gonna be my year.
Everything I have is because of Him.
I am in school because of Him.
I have two jobs because of Him.
I met AMAZING girls that I can now live with because of Him.
I am HAPPY because of Him.
The more I realize that it is Him directing me to good in my life, the more I will be truly happy. Terrible things can happen, I can get sick, be overwhelmed... but this year I know that I can pull through. I know that each hardship is a blessing in disguise. I know it because I look at last year... a year of hardships and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I was going through a hard time. And I met the people I did because of that. Now, I don't know where I'd be without them. It's amazing and crazy how life works. Just when you think you have the worst luck ever, it turns into a blessing.
Blessings, everyday. I need to count them more.
It's been a while so I'm going to need to update ya'll. Read what you want. Most of it is so I remember anywhoo... I am starting to forget what happened just yestererday... must be my old age.
I am in five classes. And I like all five of my classes. Humanities. Institutions. English. Sign Language. Language, Speech and Hearing Development.
My Sign Language class wasn't working. I was stressed. I was about to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Just a brick expanding in my stomach with the thought of not making it in. What would I do? I'll tell you what I'll do... rely on faith. Have faith it's going to work out, do everything in your power and then let it.
I went that day and I was signed into the class. Blessing.
Sometimes I just read peoples blogs to see their boy updates. So if you're like me, this part is for you. For the first time in what seems like... FOREVER, I am completely content in being patient and letting him find me. Whether I know him, talk to him now... whether I want him to date me... it's not going to be some pushy thing for me like it has. I have faith that it'll happen when it should. That doesn't mean i don't have a secret hope it's a certain someone, or that I don't have ginormous crushes anymore... doesn't mean I don't wanna get to know that one guy better... all it means is I'm completely happy without a guy right now. So I can wait for HIM to come to me or more of the mutual approach, rather than stressing. For once. :)
Oh and if you haven't read til know. Let me just explain myself when it comes to guys and what I've decided this last year. I'm over the shallowness, I'm over watching people be someone they aren't just to impress a guy. I will be who I am and I will wait for someone to love that girl. And what I mean by that is that I will continue to try and be a better person... but the corky stuff, the fact that I'm a weirdo... I WILL be loved for that.
I will not be disrespected anymore. I will not be there to satisfy your personal needs. I'm looking for love not a make out. And that my friends, is what will get if I'm patient enough :)
As much as I love my job. I'm not getting very many hours at all during the week. My class schedule is unchangeable and I really just feel the need to fill my time with productivity and working would do just that.
I have searched and searched for afternoon jobs. It's not to the desperatety of fast food or retail yet, but I have checked the job board almost everyday, hoping for something involving kids, afternoons and Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Well, I found one that I want.
Did anyone know here that one day I want to do an autistic preschool... in my home?
Well, I work at an autistic preschool now.
And the job that I found was a preschool in a home?
The experience and combination of the two jobs is exactly what I want to do.
Perfectly qualified and excited about this position, I called.
I was her favorite. She told me that three times. I wanted to work there so bad. BUT, she needed me when I had class on Tuesday and Thursdays. The MWF schedule I hoped for just didn't work.
Sayonara job that I want. Hello, job hunt once again.
-One Week Later-
I was sitting on my bed deciding if I needed to change my schedule to open up the possibility for other jobs, if I needed to drop classes, change my work schedule, what jobs I needed to apply for. I don't even feel qualified to make this own decision for myself. I've been praying everynight. The end of everyday I have just felt wonderful about where I'm going and how life is happening. But one thing was just unsettled. My schedule. :(
Just need more hours.
Need a job I love.
And I have been trying. HARD!
Spent 45 minutes of my life in the copy center faxing stuff.
Spent an hour writing cover letters, resumes, applications.
And at the end of Wednesday I was just on my bed really overwhelmed.
Deadlines were coming... what to do.. what to do...
and an email from the FIRST job I wanted popped back up.
"Have you found another job yet? I hope not because..."
Wow....... God hears my prayers.
And I love Him.
1. Optimism.
2. Serve people that I don't love when I don't love them... haha.
3. Go to my classes and actually LEARN instead of just study and spit it out onto tests. Think less about the grade and more about actually getting something for the life from my classes.
I don't know if it's obvious. But I think this might be one of the happiest I've ever been. Sure am happy about this year.
-One Week Later-
I was sitting on my bed deciding if I needed to change my schedule to open up the possibility for other jobs, if I needed to drop classes, change my work schedule, what jobs I needed to apply for. I don't even feel qualified to make this own decision for myself. I've been praying everynight. The end of everyday I have just felt wonderful about where I'm going and how life is happening. But one thing was just unsettled. My schedule. :(
Just need more hours.
Need a job I love.
And I have been trying. HARD!
Spent 45 minutes of my life in the copy center faxing stuff.
Spent an hour writing cover letters, resumes, applications.
And at the end of Wednesday I was just on my bed really overwhelmed.
Deadlines were coming... what to do.. what to do...
and an email from the FIRST job I wanted popped back up.
"Have you found another job yet? I hope not because..."
Wow....... God hears my prayers.
And I love Him.
1. Optimism.
2. Serve people that I don't love when I don't love them... haha.
3. Go to my classes and actually LEARN instead of just study and spit it out onto tests. Think less about the grade and more about actually getting something for the life from my classes.
I don't know if it's obvious. But I think this might be one of the happiest I've ever been. Sure am happy about this year.
We have an autistic boy in my preschool class this year, so I'm sure we will have some cool stories to share at Christmas!
ReplyDeleteLove that you won't compromise your weirdo status for any man!
Love you, Lauren!