One of my roommates is having a hard time.
She went to go say a prayer before a difficult situation.
And we offered to have it with her.
She knelt down, already close to tears, and asked if someone else would say it.
I volunteered.
I had nothing in mind to say.
But when I opened my mouth I said things that she needed to hear.
I have never said a prayer with so much meaning and importance in my entire life.
God will work through me.
I need people who will let God work through them, in return.
I am so thankful for the friends I have.
For how faithful, strong, brave and amazing they are.
I want to be better everyday.
These girls correct me through their example.
That was humbling to allow the words of the Lord be spoken from my mouth.
<3 I love you. I have no idea what any of us in this house would do with out you.