

Don't Stress

The great thing about working and going to school in Utah. Is that I can go to church on Sunday and be surrounded... but it doesn't end there.  

Doesn't matter who you are. The institute, temple and church buildings are landmarks here. It's easy to go places and have people just know why you do things and a piece of who you are.

Last summer, I'd go to work. 
And I would work with foster kids, 
I'd have to exert more patience than really possible. 
I'd work with trouble kids, autistic kids, bratty fifth graders 
and some really really fun ones.
I loved my job... some days.
 And other days it'd be 8:30 AM and 
they'd already have three fights and 
hang alvin the chipmunk doll with a noose from the ceiling.

This year, I go to work and people appreciate what I do for them. They recognize my hard work and their praise and attitude of appreciation is enough to keep my motivated in my job. Every week I meet new people. Youth camps come in and out all summer long of this University, but I've made so many friends and connections through it all. I've had a lot of hitting on by high school boys... and a lot of forms to fill out. And it's all worth it.

My favorite part though, is that it's EFY that comes through, it's Retreat for Girls, it's AFY. I come to work and work with these amazing people who are dedicated to the gospel and spreading it. I have never met more humble and  spiritual people, as the AFY counselors this week. I aspire to be like them. They don't just live the gospel in their standards and commandments that are clearly outlined. They use the gospel for every principle, every reason to.

Yesterday catering was late. It was a big deal for me as an event planner. The director of the program came up to me and said, "hey, don't stress about anything. We are just happy they are here. I've learned that in life you can't stress over things you don't have control over." In contrast to other groups that would wring my neck if their food was late that really was a relief. 

Don't stress over what you can't control. 
Just smile and let it happen.

Don't stress that you lost two kids you're chaperoning at 11:00PM... and the only people in sight are making out on the roof.

Don't stress that every amazing guy is:
...not interested
...married or engaged. someone.

Don't stress that every guy interested:
...are below the age of 18
...are creepy guys in the TSC 

Don't stress that I have to work 55 hours.
Don't stress that I don't make much money.

They also taught me to really be thankful for my job and everything I have. Really, money doesn't matter. And I def make enough to get by and then way more. I can't expect to be rich and ready to buy a house when I'm 19 years old.

I am loving life. 
Learning more every day.


  1. haha plus to be fair, it wasn't entirely our fault... The grill wasn't working right so we couldn't make as many burgers at once as we'd planned on. haha.

  2. don't worry the catering wasn't USU... it was a different one.
