

Not Perfect

I make mistakes. 
I tell lies.
I laugh when I shouldn't.
I make jokes when it's serious.
I say things I shouldn't.
I'm far far far far from perfect.

When people make mistakes, 
it's not my business,
it's not your business. 
It's just theirs.

And when I say, "oh I don't do this..."
It doesn't mean, I'm judging you because YOU do.
No, that's just how I am comfortable living MY life.

I am in no way perfect.
And I'll never pretend to be. 
I am insecure and I am confident.
I am happy and I am sad.
I am stable and I am unstable.
I am an emotional basket-case.... 
and sometimes I don't let harsh words even affect me.

Everyday is a new day.
Every challenge is a new challenge.
And there is nothing I will ever do the same.
No reaction that will be the same.

Whether I change for the good or bad, 
I will continue to do so.
And the ultimate goal is to make it home 
to the loving arms of my Father in Heaven.

I understand we all have different purposes on this earth.
We all have different family backgrounds.
We all have different financial situations.

BUT, we all have one thing in common.
A God who LOVES us... 
and will do anything for us to be happy.
So I will try my hardest to not be the cause of anyone's unhappiness.

I will be the target of jokes.
I will be the target of pranks.
I will be the target of accusations.

But I will not retaliate, I won't fight back.
Cuz I know when people get defensive of themselves...
they aren't thinking about how their words and timing will affect someone else.

When we are mad at the drive thru lady for messing up our order... and we yell at her. It's three seconds of our time we are thinking about it, getting what we want and leaving... that drive thru lady's day is ruined.

I will accept the way that I come across,
but until a person knows me....
they won't know what I mean by what I say.

I don't care how many years you've known my name...
or where I live, or what church I go to... 
or any information you can just find out from my facebook profile...
until you've taken the time to know WHO I am... where I come from...
and who I want to be... then you your accusations will not hurt me.

I'm not perfect. 
But I'm worth it.

Tough choice? I think not.

And it's silly that satan is out there trying to get people to persuade me otherwise.
Satan is trying to get in there when I'm weak.
When we are ALL weak....
He's trying to get me when I commit to higher standards. 
He's trying to get me before I get him.
He will NEVER win...
I don't care who his messengers are, 
or what his secret ways of getting in include.
He. cannot. win.

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